Thanks to Jim Caron for scanning this label
"I've never even seen this stuff, so credit goes to everyone who has e-mailed me about it"

Brewer: Solibra Abidjan (Imported by Highland Dist. Co., Houston, TX)

Where?: Ivory Coast, Africa (yes, really)

Alcoholic Content: Unknown

Taste: I dunno 

Little known movie reference: In the scene in the beginning of the movie Falling Down where Michael Douglas is kicking the shit out of that grocery store, you may notice a framed Mamba Malt Liquor mirror hanging on one of the support pillars in the background.

Comments from the outside world
Jim Caron "I tried out Mamba and I have to tell you I figured it would taste like crocodile piss. I mean how good Malt Liquor From africa can taste? You know, it tasted just like Ballantine Ale. Of course some people think Ballantine tastes like crocodile piss, but I happen to like it. (It was My Dad's favorite) It was pretty strong, I'd say low 7's, judging by the buzz I got after downing it (it came in a 22.3 Oz bottle) I mean it will never replace Colt Double Malt or Ice 800 or even Haffenreffer, but if I am thirsty and it is between this and Pete's wickedly bad crap, I wouldn't hesitate to buy another...."