Private Stock

Thanks to Jim Caron for scanning this label

"I've never even seen this stuff, so credit goes to everyone who has e-mailed me about it."

Brewer: Narragansett Brewing Company

Where?: Ft Wayne, Milwaukee, and San Antonio

Alcoholic Content: Unknown

Taste: I dunno

Comments from the outside world

Anthony Galati "Private stock is one of the best malt liquors around. It's kind of hard to find though, you have to go to some of the finest ghettos to get it. The first time I found it, I was in Harlem, and it only cost $1.50. I don't know how strong it is, but it was strong enough that one time I had one 40, and the cops could tell I had it 4 hours later, but they let me go without a brethalizer or anything, it was pretty cool."
Fordy "Ounce" Curran "I love how the label reads: 'Haffenreffer's Private Stock: malt liquor with the imported taste' What is 'the imported taste'? Where is the 'imported taste'? This shit tastes like a cross between club soda and a strong, bitter beer. I also think that it's funny how they put it in a green bottle to make it look like it IS imported. (i.e. Heineken, Becks, Molson, etc...) The only thing that's cool about it is that the 16 ounce bottles have pictionary style riddles on the underside of the caps. They are pretty entertaining to figure out as the six pack goes on. I have been known to drink it, but only on a hot summer day when there is nothing else available."
Jim Caron "Haffenreffer has alot of history in New England - every teenager from the 30's to the present has drunk it in the 16 oz bottles though it does come in a nice 40. It was origianlly brewed in Jamaica Plain, Mass until they were sold off to Falstaff. The taste is still the same...smooth with a nice aluminum can finish...we wonder if the canned variety will have a glass aftertaste. The Real irony is that the old haffy's brewery was bought by none other than Jim Koch, maker of Sam Adam's, the ultimate in Yuppie beers...I nearly cried for a week....."