Hey kids, lets talk about alcohol.....

Lets face it, you don't exactly drink malt liquor for the taste. You drink the first half of a 40 so that you can drink the second half. Of course everybody wants to know how much alcohol is in their favorite brand, so that they can brag about it to their friends (isn't there a direct correlation between the alcohol content in a guy's malt liquor and the size of his penis?). Anyway, as a public service (yeah right!) I have tried my best to keep my numbers accurate, but a little explanation is in order.

There are two ways to measure the percentage of alcohol in a drink. One is by volume (abv) and the other is by weight (abw). All of the numbers on my site are alcohol by volume. Alcohol by volume is about 1.28 x alcohol by weight.

I get my alcoholic contents from many different sources. Sometimes it is printed on the bottle, sometimes it takes a call to the brewer (which several of the people on the credits page have done for me), and sometimes I can refer to the Great American Beer Festival's website which often has the alcoholic contents submitted by the brewers.

If I remember the source, I will put it next to the alcohol content on the individual brand pages in small print.

But why does my bottle of Bull Ice say 5.9% and your page says 7.7%?

Its funny, but quite often alcohol contents vary by region, due mostly to local or state laws. This can have an affect not only on the amount of alcohol in a drink, but also if the brewer can print the content on the label, if they can call it "beer" or "ale", or even the size of the bottle that they can sell it in (for example in Kentucky, they don't sell 40's, instead malt liquor comes in 38.4 oz bottles, and around where I live, I have to go to another county to buy 64 oz bottles).

But in any case, no matter what the alcoholic content is, this shit is cheap, and you can always buy another 40!