The Annual

classof59.jpg (68234 bytes) Class of 1959


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Class officers from left to right: Kenny Pittman, Vice Pres.; Dee Lemaitre,Sec; Henry Skelton, Parliamentarian; Trent Lott, pres; J. L. Scarborough, Treas; Judy Moss, Reporter

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No. 1 Battery
Doug Horn & Robert Earl Siedell

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Most handsome

Robert Earl Siedell

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Most likely to succeed

Trent Lott & Julia Dawson

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Most Handsome

Harris Hardy

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Most Popular

Trent Lott & Judy Slade

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Most Versatile

Henry Skelton

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Most Handsome Runner-Up

Trent Lott

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Wayne Weidie & Major Larsen

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Most Sophisticated Senior Carolyn Reeves

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Senior Beauty

Delores Lemaitre

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Senior Favorites Dee & Trent

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Professor, How Could You?

Gaylen Roberts, Judy Moss,Trent Lott, Russell Naill,Opal Rushing, Judy Slade

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Homecoming King & Queen Delores Lemaitre & Trent Lott

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