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My Family

Click on image to view larger photo.

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Mary Catherine at the Wizard of Oz on Ice

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Mary Catherine on Stage

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Mary Catherine and AmMaw at William Carey Theatre

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Marty and Jessica

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Paul for Sunday dinner at AmMaw's

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Visit to Hattiesburg Zoo

PaulinFeb99.jpg (13686 bytes)

Marty and Jessica at Outback Dec 98.jpg (11230 bytes)

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       Marty and Jessica     December 1998

             Mary Catherine             March 6, 1999

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1998 Christmas at Opal's

Opal's clan Dec 1998.jpg (12167 bytes)

Mary Catherine and Paul 98 xmas.jpg (19970 bytes)

Opal's Family in the Nativity Dec 98.jpg (12323 bytes)

My family

Mary Catherine and Paul

Paul as Baby Jesus and Mary Catherine as Mary

Paul as Shepherd Dec 98.jpg (13438 bytes)

Paul under xmas tree Dec 98.jpg (11817 bytes)

Paul in Santa's lap Dec 98.jpg (10730 bytes)

Paul as a shepherd


Paul with Santa

Paul at his first recital Dec 98.jpg (10642 bytes)

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Paul's first piano recital

Mary Catherine as Mary

Mary Catherine as Angel


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1999 Easter at Opal's

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MartyandJessicaEaster1999.jpg (25664 bytes)

Family without Jessica

Jessica and Marty


Paul at studio Mar 1999.JPG (11465 bytes)


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Mary Catherine


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Summer of 1999

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Mary Catherine

Paul and Mandi


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