Great Taste of the MidwestSMThe Great Taste of the MidwestSM was established in 1987 and is now North America's second longest-running craft beer festival, second only to the Great American Beer Festival. The Madison Homebrewers and Tasters Guild presents this celebration of brewers and their beers each August on the second Saturday of that month at Madison's Olin-Turville Park, a beautiful lakeside setting with a view of the State Capitol and of the Monona Terrace convention centre, which now stands on the former Olin Terrace Park and the former site of the Great Taste. For a fixed admission ticket price, the lucky patron receives a beautiful imported commemorative tasting glass, a comprehensive program book describing the nearly 100 breweries and more than 400 different beers, and as many two-ounce samples as can responsibly be sampled during the five hours of the festival. Read about the previous festivals and see what breweries exhibited! Here's a modified version (sans advertising) of the program from the 14th Annual Great Taste, 12 August BOOT2000.
It's divided into state-by-state listings for faster loading. The pages are in Envoy format. If you don't already have a viewer or don't have
WordPerfect v.6,7, or 8, download a viewer here. After you
install it (unlike Adobe Acrobat, Envoy is a small program), select the program sections you want to read or print.
Introduction and event information The 15th Annual Great Taste is 11 August 2001, 1-6pm.
For more information contact the Madison Homebrewers. How do I get to the Great Taste? |
December 2000/January 2001 issue of Great Lakes Brewing News now available at distinguished beer establishments.
Updated 1 December 2000
Bob "Now go have a beer" Paolino