"John's Paris Pic's"
Bill and I and the group from my company had a great time
in Paris, France. It has a tremendous amount of monuments
and Museums. We didn't have enough time to do all the things
we wanted to do, but a year later Bill went back, as well as
some other people from work and got to do some more things they
missed on the previous trip.
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(Picture 1) Paris,Outside our Hotel room, Cadet
(Picture 2) Paris,Eiffel Tower
(Picture 3) Paris,Arch De Triomphe
(Picture 4) Paris,Bas Relief on the Arch
(Picture 5) Paris,Champs Elysees
(Picture 6) Paris,The Seine River
(Picture 7) Paris,Palais de Justice
(Picture 8) Paris,Alexander III Bridge Statue
(Picture 9) Paris,Champs Elysees
(Picture 10) Paris,Statue of Charlemagne Outside of Notre Dame
(Picture 11) Paris,Notre Dame Front Facade from a postcard
(Picture 12) Paris,Notre Dame Back Facade with Buttresses
(Picture 13) Paris,Notre Dame Side Facade
(Picture 14) Paris,Bill at a park accross from Notre Dame
(Picture 15) Paris,WWII Deportation Memorial
(Picture 16) Paris,French Army Museum with Napolean's Tomb
(Picture 17) Paris,French Army Museum with Napolean's Tomb
(Picture 18) Paris,Les Invalides
(Picture 19) Paris,Notre Dame Side Facade
(Picture 20) Paris,Notre Dame Side Facade
(Picture 21) Paris,Bill and a French Monument
(Picture 22) Paris,Le Grand Palais
(Picture 23) Paris,Napolean's Tomb
(Picture 24) Paris, Champs Elysees
(Picture 25) Paris, Gallery Lafayette (ritzy shopping area, very ornate)
(Picture 26) Paris, Mae and Carol in front of the Eiffel Tower
(Picture 27) Paris, Napolean's Tomb
(Picture 28) Paris, Napolean's Tomb
(Picture 29) Paris, Hotel Invalides (Army Museum)
(Picture 30) Paris, The Louvre
(Picture 31) Paris, The Louvre
(Picture 32) Paris, The Louvre
(Picture 33) Paris, Alexander the III Bridge
(Picture 34) Paris, Montsmarte
(Picture 35) Paris, Artist Colony Montsmarte
(Picture 36) Paris, Artist Colony Montsmarte
(Picture 37) Paris, Mimes
(Picture 38) Paris, Alexander the III Bridge
(Picture 39) Paris, Dome at the top of Napolean's Tomb
(Picture 40) Paris, Henry and Pierre our bus driver in Paris.
(Picture 41) Paris, View of the Eiffel tower showing Millenium Clock.
(Picture 42) Paris, Plaque dedicating the Eiffel to its builder Gustave Eiffel.
(Picture 43) Paris, View from the Eiffel Tower.
(Picture 44) Paris, Eiffel Tower elevator pulley.
(Picture 45) Paris, Sightseeing tour along the Seine (a must see at night).
(Picture 46) Paris, Madeleine
(Picture 47) Paris, Church of Sant Chappelle
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