Page 2 Gate Post Sentry

Happenings in Gate Post

We welcome back John and Terry O'Neal of 15062 Brown Post from their stay in Greensboro, North Carolina. Glad to have you back in Gate Post Estates.

A belated welcome to Alexandra (Lexy) Elizabeth Eccles born on November 20, 1997. Lexy weighed in at 7 lbs. 8 ozs. and was 20-1/2" long. Proud parents are Tom and Jennifer Eccles who live at 6759 Gray Post Court.


The stork has visited recently on Bronze Post. Kendall Elizabeth was born to Stew and Debbie Curley on February 11 weighing in at 9 lbs. 11-1/2 ozs. She joins big sister Kaitlin, 4 years old, and Brandon, 3.

Group I
Saturday, March 28, found the Gate Post Gourmet group participating in a Fiesta Filipino enjoying pagkain masarap (delicious food) at the home of Joe and Kathy Roscher. The fare of the evening consisted of lumpia for hors d'oeuvres, wonton soup, chicken and pork adobo, Uncle Val's pansit, hot and sour shrimp with watercress and walnuts, and for dessert, light and fruity caramel custard (leche flan). All recipes can be found on the web site NapaValley/3914/.


Assessment Notices were mailed in January and should have reached all homeowners by now. Any homeowners that were past due as of March 15 were sent late notices shortly thereafter. There are still approximately 6 homeowners still outstanding. If you still have not paid, please contact Dianne Wood, Treasurer at 631-2522 to make payment arrangements. Late fees and interest add up very quickly, so please get your assessments in.

Von Rinteln’s Relocate
Gate Post will miss Dave and Shirley Von Rinteln of Green Post Court as they have relocated to Telford, England for the next three years. We wish them well in their new surroundings.

Civil War Facts and Trivia

V irginia-born artillerist, (and ordained Episcopal rectorist), Brig. Gen. William Nelson Pendleton named four of his cannons Matthew, Mark Luke and John.

W ith only 60,000 men at his command, Robert E. Lee inflicted 50,000 casualties on the 120,000-man Union army while defending Richmond.

T he first Civil War monument was erected at tile Shiloh battleground, late in 1863.

A t Cold Harbor at least 6,800 Federals died in less than ten minutes.

A lthough fought virtually to a draw, Confederates list The battle of Seven Pines (or Fair Oaks), Virginia as Robert E. Lee's first victory.

T he only fatality at Fort Sumter was Pvt. Daniel Hough, killed by accidental explosion, April 14,1861.

T he Union regiment suffering the greatest percentage of casualties at First Manassas was the First Minnesota Infantry, 180 casualties in one day.