Page Two

After all the training the Navy shoved down my throat it was easy to get work as a civilian contractor. The defense industry was still going strong in those days (mid 80's and early 90's) and I milked it for all it was worth, until it came crashing down with the Berlin wall. I traveled all over hell while living and working in Alaska, Spain, Italy and Saudi Arabia. A good time was had by all for another eight years. It wasn't until I got married to a Canadian stewardess and moved to Toronto that I began to settle down and get a 'regular' job. I wish I could say THAT was a pleasant experience, but I'm not that big a liar. Toronto deserves some mention though, if you like alternative music and lifestyles, try to make it up there someday. Canadians are very misunderstood by Americans, although they have us figured out completely, eh?!

So in 1996, after a horrendous divorce which left me wishing I had stayed in the Middle East and become a bedouin, I decided to come back to the States and start over. I traveled up, down and around the East coast for several months as a Field Engineer for the number two long distance company in America, until they offered me a desk job in Dallas, where I sit at this very moment. I should be working right now, but as usual there's nothing for me to do. I'll probably stay here until I wear out my welcome or find something better. I still figure its only a matter of time before I get into some kind of trouble (guilty conscience?). Meanwhile, I try to keep my head down, my mouth shut and hope for the best. I'd better go now before I get yelled at.

Thanks for listening!

PS-I left out a bunch of stuff.


And just when things were going pretty well...

Now for something completely different!

The latest!

New news...

He's Back!

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