The Navy...

Was definitely an "experience", mostly good. Being at sea sucks, especially on an aircraft carrier. I was invited to spend several years on two of them, one on the East coast and one on the West. Its like having an airport on your roof that never closes. Just TRY to sleep. Not to mention the 4,999 other guys (approx) in your face no matter where you went (no women on warships in those days). The food was equally as bad and they made us work 12 hours a day, seven days a week. The reward was "liberty call" in foreign ports every so often. This was basically a stop-off so the crew could go nuts for a few days, catch strange, exotic diseases and then go back out to sea. I thought it would never end, but it did. Seven months later I was back in San Diego living off the fat of the land. Not for long, though.


St. Louis Centralia Ozarks Los Angeles California Navy Shore Duty Memphis San Diego Seattle Philadelphia Jacksonville Alaska Spain Italy Saudi Arabia Toronto MCI Dallas