Mixed Drinks

There is more to life than a six-pack at 7-eleven.

Grinnin Barrett's Poor Man's Margarita

Donated by Marcus and Leslie King

Blend well and serve with plenty of NaCl. (salt in laymen's terms)

A note from Grinnin Barrett...twice as much tequila will double the flavor and the fun!

Border Buttermilk

Combine all ingredients in blender and blend until slushy.

Cow Punch

Combine all ingredients in blender until slushy.

Here are some drinks donated by Joćo Antonio from Rio de Janeiro. These are very popular in Brazil:

Cuba Libre

One part rum, Carta Blanca + two parts coca-cola + one slice of lemon (not to be shaken)

"Buddy Sam"

One part vodka + two parts coca-cola + one slice of lemon (not to be shaken)


One part vodka or rum + one part lemon juice + sugar and ice


One part vodka + one part fruit juice (most common: melon, watermelon, pineapple, passion fruit)+ sugar and ice (may be shaken in "electric mixer")

Links to other sites on the Web

Joćo Antonio - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Spikes World Famous Margaritas
The Galaxy's Best Margarita Recipe
iDrink...A Cocktail Mixing Website
The Professional Bartender's Alphabetical Drink Recipe Guide

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