nem : wtf is an owt ?
Over Weight Turnip, I think.
could be
owt = anything.
nj: I would say BBC 1 - The End fo the Yea Show with Angus Deaton - it`s the only one which might be there
mic: Owt == anything, Yorkshire colloquiallisam == English...
Ta, darsy
i thought is was a typo...sigh
not english ... yorkshirian i suspect
***Froggy changes topic to "Erik is back for NY"
YOwt is English.
"owt" sort of marks them out as northerners :))
Nope, mic, England is the biggest county of Yorkshire!!!
3 minutes?
nem : i suspected as much ... is it for sale ?
3 mins
* BigJaz tickles Erils stomach.
Erik giggles and slaps the keyboard
this is cool i had new years hear 11 hours ago
loook - wtg all and small - good luck for the new one - much respect to ALL the DB world....
mic: you're welcom to it!!!
* BigJaz cuddles Erik!!!!
Less that 2 minutes!
and a big shout out to (in particular) the celtic posse in da house!
* Froggy erik coos at jaz
i make it 100 secs
5 hours and 2 mins....
Scoundrel... where are you?
One minute, GMT!!!... according to the GMT
Columbus, Oh, USA
* BigJaz tickles Eriks lil feet.
8 hours here
OH is Eastern time?
Erik giggles
This is it, UK'ers!!!!yes, jc
should auld aquaintance be forgot.....POP goes the champagne. Another English New Year!
Nope, now!!!
that`ll be it then - good on the lot of ya
Happy New Year to those who just got it!
Happy new Beer!
* BigJaz toasts new years to Erik!!!
Yep, easterntime.
Woohoo! Happy New Beer to you, Scoundrel...
1996 - the year of "StUmP" - I can assure
*** Froggy changes topic to ""
Wow... wouldn't have thought.
happy new year db's
*** darsy changes topic to "get it DOWN ya!"
*** Froggy changes topic to "Happy New Years to the UK"
This year is my year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Happy yeaar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Scoundrel blows on his noisemaker.
* BigJaz hugs everyone.
* jceverett hugs Jaz
* darsy kisses the nearest avalable female
* Froggy hugs the member list
Pour the damn champagne already!
to the face darsy ... drink up
* Froggy plays Auld....that song
should auld aquaintace be forgot, and never brought to mind..
* darsy plays the lemon projects "Peppermint lounge" :)) hehe enough houe jpkes already
aAAuuulld Lang syne!!!
And never brought to mind...
hey nem: give her one from me!!!!
Kiss her, Nem!
toasts N&J; with last of Baileys
Chad never wished my happy birthday. :(
> And Drunker !!
We'll take a cup of kindness yet
* BigJaz kisses everyone.
for the sake of Auld Lang Syne
Erik waves at everyone
Nem kissedher!
I did too, Jaz... it was yesterday, though! Happy
Thnxs chaddy.
Woohoo, Nem!
whooby whooby!
* NemAndJud kis BigJaz
* mic discretely puts a tab in everyones drink
Tab? You mean that diet drink?
heh, mic!
* BigJaz laughs at Mic!
trep teip teip
Acid tab!!!!!
or trip even
oh mic: discretly put a coupla more im mine !
Happy, new year. Don't tell me what happens at midnitht, though i still got 5 hours to go. I want it to be surprise.
well - hopefully none of you dudes will become old slaich to all of the celts out there, and cheers to the rest of you.... lets all stay a group forever... that elase is left in a changing world?
greg : your getting greeedy
Yeah, Greg... don't bogart 'em!
* NemAndJud are new and always acquaintances
cheers darsy !
* jceverett needs an acquaintance tonight...
* NemAndJud celebrate the New Year... we're brewing today!!!
birth of a beer...
and on this day a beer was born
brb....gonna to the car for laundry....
*** NemAndJud has quit IRC (Leaving)
i wonder what those two are doing ?
some people would have it that the world is already dividing into a non-geographical a-political hot-pot of anrealised ambitions and unforgiven prior assumptions - and the the old world model of geo-political realities is already subsumed - I just wanna know - are you with me? I mean - are
you drunken Bastards REALLY with me - are we ready to assume our mantle of destiny? I mean - I am - but are the rest of you bastards with me?
Whta daarsy?
mantle of destiny ?????
darsy : thats enough acid for you ..
hell I havent even had a drink yet !
Uh... what?
greg ?
cos - as Marshall McLuhan would have it - the disparite members of various idealisms HAVE to come together...
sure, you know, if it will fill my empty cup.
Mantle of Destiny? Is that a new microbrew?
Darsy have a drink.
was he in gunsmoke ?
Darsy was in gunsmoke?
No seriously - I mean the world as we know it is really fucked - cmon -
you all know that
*** m6110 ( has joined #adb
Oh. Well why didn't you say so?
I'm fucked darsy.
Hi m6
well, not like it aint had alot of practise !
so darsy : tell us what to do o great wise guy
soon, like in 5-10 years commercial interests will have replaces political parties
Jaz, you fucked darsy?
m6 : you have no imagination
No chaddy you blockhead.
Where is the UK?
Up in London?
( darsy know little of the USA _
Uh, ok. Does that mean we'll all be "Anheuser-Busch"-ian instead of
American, English, etc?>
i mean, this is no shit - the drunken bastards MUST
stake their claim in the geocultural nooreality which forms from the ashes of the
current pseudo-culture
darsy that change has already begun
Uh, could you say that again?
Where does every one live (in this room)?
Er... but in a different way?
darsy: commercial interests are the essense of politics
Charleston, SC, USA
I'll drink to that darsy.
*** EsJay ( has joined #adb
jaz: exactly !
yes - but the seperation is iminent - we MUST define our place in the
*** EsJay ( has left #adb
So basically it'll all end up being controlled by the corporations rather than the politcal bullshit? Cool... anyone see the movie Rollerball?
user m6110 i live in area code 12
Area code 12? Must be a new one...
ok, it`s ok to be obtuse - ive lived on the crest for too long
And what is our place in this reality, darsy?
jc : rollerball yeppers
jc: we MUSt make our own place - its a complete global change
look at korea
Okay, let me rephrase: what would you suggest that place should be?
BRB... have to get a map.
* BigJaz passes m6110 a decent nick.
all the payments from the corporations to the politicians
Thanks, Jaz... I was thinking of that myself.
even if CNN never reports on it - the old alliances are shifting - the once political becomes corporate....
*** ucop (~nick@ has joined #adb
*** ucop (~nick@ has left #adb
ucop... what an unfortuante choice of nicks.
darsy: we are already in island of reality in this geocultural nooreality
what is a nooreality ?
* BigJaz passes out the porno videos.
mic: no : the place is in what is laughingly called "cyberspace" - what I am waying is - basically - keep the faith
Is that one of those hip new spellings, like cool=kewl?
* jceverett fires up the VCR
Waying? Huh?
darsy : you had me worried ?
These vids are sooo hot!!!
i was tempted to start quoting jung
look - im not entirely serious in all of honestly ...these things are happening..i have seen
you mean, like drink up and hang tuff, cuz things are gonna get better?
Okay, okay, I think I got it. So basically, we need to keep drinking?
I'll drink to thaat.
Or maybe drinking and hanging tought will make things better...
poor darsy: your country has a culture to loose
jc: no shit: you got it: but more importantly : you need to keep alive the "spirit" of drinking
we poor americans are orphans in a world of culture
no : dont change for the sake of change or because somebody else tells you the change is good for you
we wont miss it cause we never had it
But if we keep drinking, we aren't really changing. Are we?
well, you tastes good, i think.
greg: fuck my culture: I am as i have said a citizen of the noosphere - the geographic locations of the inhabitants are increaseingly irrelevant
beer: is the thinf:
I agree!
Beer is the thinf!
jesus - i am not an agent of change
I'll have a double darsy.
I'd like to have twice what darsy has had.
what I am sayng is "hold the faith"
*** Scoundrel changes topic to "Beer is the thinf!"
Woohoo, you got it, Scoundrel!
Keep on keeping on!
shit i new i shouldnt have dropped that tab in his drink
yes: chrrst I aggrees - get th beers uin
Whoa... did anyone else understand that?
* jceverett hopes 1996 won't be quite that fucked up when it gets here...
i think hes talking barbarian
is someone logging this?
I understood everyword! Of what?
shit !
scoun : always
Damn! I hate it when I forget to log...
look = no shit - beleive it or not - we have a cultural was on our hands. Have none of you been accosted by anti-drinking fascists?
forgot to put the log on
*** NemAndJud ( has joined #adb
I think so, darsy... I don't usually pay attention to them, much less their politcal inclinations.
re alll
Welcome NemAndJud
loggin ion now. mic, mail that to me if you remember
hehe, theys way too afraid to accost us :)
accosted by gnomes yes.
darsy : yesser and those narrow minded funies
N&J;! Welcome home!
why scoundrel
hey N&J;
its not even libel
well - hell - that's what Im takling about - our way of lifge ie threatneded! - don`t you know!
Oh shit, our way of lifge ie threatneded!
I think its funny, and I wanna remember it when i get sobererer
Sorry, darsy...
My liver is threatened.
Amen darsy.. you got it..lead the charge, my friend
*** gregm changes topic to "Drunken Bastards Own the NooWorld !!!"
I threaten my liver daily.
* Froggy has to go... If I dont get back B4 tomorrow... the very best New Years to all you DBs
HNY, Froggy.
Nem don't have any liver anhy more
see ya froggy !
Bye Froggy and Erik!!
darsy : rite behind ya all the way
HNY, Froggy / Erik
erik waves bye bye
ok, don`t worry then - when you find yourself payinf 20$ per beer - I tell you the fucking safety nazis are amongst us
*** Froggy ( has left #adb
I think I saw some guy got a pig liber xplant on TV last night
* BigJaz passes Darsy another beer.
20 dollars a beer??? Soounds like condoms in Eire
liver , even
Condoms in eire are $20 apeice?!?
Keep yer guns bastards !
Darsy, we all concur, but perhaps nothing has quite inspired our,,um .,enthusiasm like yourself.
greg :but how long will it last
er... apiece
Hope they're the re-usable kind.
Damn, chad, do ya get a whore with that?
who cares, there's lotsa pigs
look = I know I`m not making much sense now - but really - no -shit - things are getting fucked up and someone has to sort it out-
mic: Only the swine who put it in know
Shit, I'd hope so!
Pigs? You want to fuck a pig, Greg? For a $20 condom, I'd at least get a woman...
Okay darsy, so we need to stockpile beer so when it hits $20 each we'll have it?
Darsy will sort the world out. WoooHoooo!
I vote for Darsy.
to each his own....
hey, pigs are free, and they wont try to marry ya
Woohoo, darsy for president!
did you know if you charge heart surgery on your amex you get free life insurance
I like pigs greg.
ok, it`s OK - you`ve no mercans were hypnotised at birth....
darsy for pope
That's a good tip, mic. Thanks.
plus, the next morning, you get bacon for breakfast and pork chops for dinner!
Pope of the dbs! Go darsy...
not pope, no
hope maybe..
Darsy is a born leader.
Darsy=hope of the dbs?
darsy: is OK, I see thru the hypnisis
darsy for hope!
Hope for darsy?
all hail the new dictator
Darsy is bob hope?
Darsy, what are we hypnotised about?
Bob Hope was a DB
Woohoo! Bob Hope's on the IRC!
Darsy =BobHope=Darsy
look - i can see this might be a prob for most people, but honestly, I am only relaying what i hve seen
Isn't he dead?
Want a game of golf bob?
* NemAndJud have to go
Tell our boys in Bosnia I said merry christmas!
Bye all
Bye, N&J.;
Bye NemAndJud
poor nem&jud;
Scoundrel: good on ya!
see ya NJ
*** NemAndJud ( has left #adb
later, and happy new beer, Nem and Jud.
Nem and Jud? Naomi Judd! The celebrities are out
Woohoo! Half an hour to the next new year! Is there any land there, or are we in the middle of the Atlantic?
***BigJaz changes topic to "Darsy tells it as it should be..."
agent m6110 is very quiet
Damn, I should have asked for her autograph...
all the same: this sn`t no conspiracy shit: the shit really will hit the fan soon
hey mebbe hes a spy
Guardian of the passive resistance...
A spy of AA!!!!!!!!
could be ?
who, me???
Well, we do it to them... he can stay, I guess.
Asshuffer extrordinaire!
hehe, hope they enjouy it
cant tell
m6110 on #adb
m6110 kiss my butt.
wll, fuck thw lot of you - you wil see
stock up on ammo & keep yer gun clean !
Darsy I believe you.
Whoa, darsy... first you were telling us we were the hope (or you were Bob Hope... whichever) - now it's "fuck the lot of you"?
i give the current western/powerbase structre about 5 years
is that the sound of boots being polished ?
who then, the chineese ???
Anyone see "Full Metal Jacket" - this is my rifle, this is my gun...
no - all i was offering was a way oyut - a way to be there when th4 shit
hitds the fan
This is for fighting, this is for fun..
We've only five years??? Shit were is my PC.
LOL, Jaz!
What is the way out darsey.. missed that part.
A way out darsy???
Darsy: what exactly is the shit hitting the fan?
darsy : what is the way out.?... ... the abridged version please
Preferably with small words...
Have you a bomb shelter?
No, but after a weekend binge I could build one out of old beer cases.
the power structure of the fascists commercialized things withose one
guys. Bad shit, i;m telling you!
So... we're to keep drinking. Then what? Aside from more drinking,
of course...
> And Drunker !!
The shit woun`t actually audibidy hi it....
Ease off the William Gibson, Darsy. The wheel keeps on truning...
* BigJaz hides in Darsy bomb shelter.
you gootta just keep drinking and an open mind...
Could you repeat that please, darsy?
William Gibson is cool.
Gibson rules, but not a short term prophet.
scoundrel: no this isnt cyperpunk - just please all of you, all over the
world - stop voting for fascists
Any particular open-mindedness, darsy?
Could someone please define the word "fascist" for me? I thought I
knew, but I'm not really sure anymore...
One who fascs-es
scoundreL: You capitalist and your short term prophets !!
The world will end in 1997!!!
ok, look - soon (and in fact already) corporate reality is here - we must
simplt enfranchise ourselves as drunken basteards - if you owe alleigiance to another culture th4en make up your minds
Greg: ROFL!
Thanks, Scoundrel...
jaz: if only we were so lucky
So we're going to franchise alt.drunken.bastards? Cool... we'll be
bigger than McDonalds!
If you look at the prophet and loss statement for the third quarter of
95, you can see a sharp increase of the fascist index, which you can interpolate tomean...
We'll bring out the Bigjaz sex aid for woman.
darsy: are you saying we should form our own cyber-country ???
Woohoo! It works with a standard PC, right Jaz?
Tribe ADB
Cool... what should we call it, Greg? DBland?
look - this isn`t supposed to be heavy - just that if you primarily regard yourself as anything other than a drunken bastard, then you are not WITH US
whao are we? Tribe ADB! We don't stop for nobody!
Ooo - The DB Tribe!
chad, OK I like it, now the flag ?
ADB disney land.
Tribe is right
black&tan; ?
Of course
no shit - this is the time - soon none of uswill have a choice -
lt;gregm> darsy: Part of the solution or part of the problem ???
I`m not being paranoid - it`s the way it will be
Black and tan is nice... with a circle (color?) in the middle and a keg of beer!
With a beer stain?
darsy: a chioce of what ?
of course, drink is important - black n tan is part of my cultural heritage
Nice... maybe some aspirin scattered about to indicate the various "cyber-states" of the tribe...
But if it's part of your cultural heritage, we don't want it, do we darsy? Isn't that going against the dedication you asked about?
ok - joke - but soon none of us poor fuckers will have a goddamn choice
I think the revolution has started, I hear shooting outside
Chrisst this is getting deep.
hang on a muinute. My beer just arrived...
A choice of what darsy ???
I have a choice whether to hurl chunks or keep it in.
I think - what I am saying is - sahit yes, beer is important, but please none of us lose site of the original concept
getting drunk ?
I'll drink to that.
ok, well please christ that I am wrong...
Who is Chrisst? Is that his nick?
later people ... off for a wander
I dunno, Jaz... oftentimes you don't get much of a choice on hurling.
later mic
Bye mic.
I never choose to hurl
cya greg jc ..
*** mic (mic@alt.drunken.bastards) has left #adb
look - Im mebbe being a bnit serious here - but dont worry
you people don`t beleive in shit anyway
I believe in shit. Just took one a couple hours back.
I beleive darsy !
We believe you darsy.
it doesnt matter -
belief for once is largely unimportant
course it does, Tribe ADB Forever !
Woohoo! Tribe ADb!
Tribe adb forever!!!!!!!
Do we get to be chieftans since we were here to start it all?
*** gregm changes topic to "Tribe ADB Forever !!!!"
yep, and cheiftans need lotsa little concubines
Woohoo1 I like this tribe thing...
jc: no - unfortunately knowledge/power is all that counts in the next wave
concubines dont count ?? :(
* jceverett thinks concubines should count
Lots@concubines join the adb tribe.
Not that they have to be able to count...
Cook and fuck I'll have one.
Cook *and* Fuck and I'll take several...
I'll take 3!!!!!!
*** Jamez ( has joined #adb
*** X sets mode: +o Jamez
cook and fuck - go for it
hey jamez
hey everybody
Aloha Jamez
wanna join our noogeosphere tribe ??
tribe ADB Forever!
Tribe ADB !
Want a concubine?
concubines forever !
Nah, I'd prefer to excahnge now and again...
speaking of which, anhyone seen squeakers?
_darsy:_ I haven't seen squeakers
Forever is the official cry of tribe ADb.
Squeakers is a concubine?
poor squeakers, someone should send her e-mail and ask her to come back
I'll do it... I have her email around here somewhere.
greg: why did she go?
She left because of some asshuffer.
forever !
*** Jamez has quit IRC (Leaving)
now that we have a drinking cry, what next ??
greg: obviously: World Domination
Offical shagging cry?
Obvoiusly: we drink!
shagging cry: "oooohhhaaaawiiiaak"
hey, lets make Tribe ADB teeshirts ! Cant domminate the world without teeshirts !
Merchandising... forever!
And Forever baseball caps!!
Tribe ADB condoms!!!!
greg: This is good -
Extra large!!!!
Woohoo! Tribe ADB Condoms!!!
Do we have an official hand-wave ????
- honestly im not shitting when I say the world is fargmenting
like hefting a bottle to yer gob ???
farg the world, you bastards!
The worlld is farging tee-shirts!!!
We need an official hand shake so we know when we are in the midst of fellow Tribe ADB-ers
Forever !!!
Farg yuou all!!
* jceverett fargs the world
Forever !!
I need a drink
Forever !!
greg: get a beer!
The anti asshuffer hand shake.
*** darsy changes topic to "Farg the World"
Just got a sixer of red wolf. Woo hoo. I love the bud delivery service.
I'm getting more beer don't frag without me.
*** gregm changes topic to "Tribe ADB Fargs the World Forever !!"
Its not as bad as you thinf.
do you know whats is wrong with the world?
Wow... beer delivery service? Awesome... we need to work this into
Tribe ADB!
i dont thinf you know what yer fargin about
Not enough beer?
Well, not really. i called yup my friend whose intown and told him to bring me some when he came.
noway - beer is not available on IV worldwide
Forever !!
*** m6110 ( has left #adb
Farg the fascist power bloc structure of the commercialized thing with those one guys who did the consipiracy...
he wasnt of our tribe
hey m6110 - you a farger?
*** sonny1 ( has joined #adb
*** Rikk sets mode: +o sonny1
hey sonny !
How about when you think you see another Tribe ADB-er, you walk up and
say "In the winter the snow melts slowly"...
Forever !!
woah sonny - you farger
Then in response, you say "But we farg the world forever!"
hey ya UK chaps..... sorry i missed yer midnite hour.....
sonny wanna join our noogeospere tribe ??
HNY to whoever is out there in EST+4
look - yhonestly th tribe of adb has to bee seriuolsly thougth about
Hi Sonny... wanna join Tribe ADB?
Tribe ADB !
Forever !!
uh.... whut's the initiation??
You have to stay here in #adb for a while.
cmon - lets get it sorted - you`re either in or not!!!!
And say "farg" and "forever" a lot.
we are the only faith in the noogeopoliticosphere !
Preferably together...
i got a beer in my hand.... do i qualify??
Forever !!!
Forever !!
Farg Forever!
Farg the world !
Sonny is in...
Farg for the memories.....
greg: faith is the wrong word - somehow i get he feeling that you are taking the piss ;)))
Thanks for the farg...
Don't ask, Sonny.
Hey, we are the faith
We are the world, we are the faith, we are the farg...
Farg you all, unbeleivers!
Forever !!
We are Tribe ADB Forever !
I beleive
I think we need to say Homer-isms a lot, too... Woohoo!
Farging forever!
Woohoo farging forever.
*** Malc ( has joined #adb
*** Malc ( has left #adb
Forever Malc !
Farg Malc!!!!
Farg you!
Christ - why do anyof you listne to me ;))
Forever !!
You started something now, darsy...
Hey! Is darsy really Jefferson? You know, from MwC?
Close call for malc.
A noosphere Tribe !
Darsy has started a new race.
A noorace !
tribe ADB forever farg it!
Are we a secret society? Or do we farg everyone in a.d.b also?
That's the spirit, Sonny!
Damn the next five year destruction of the western power structure bloc of beers smugglers. We must stick to gether in a fort made of beer cases in order to ride out the wave of intolerance shown toward the
Only if they are true to the Farg !
Yes! True to the farg!
The world is farging my friends !
The farg is strong in you luke skyfarger.
Forever !!
I am your farger, Luke...
use the farg!
Farg, my sons, forever farg
Use the farg! Our slogan! Or is that nooslogan?
Obe one canfarger.
Jabba the Farg
Princess farga
Is anyone logging this???!!!
the power of farg is dispersed, buy we, the fathers of Farg can muster the
original farg
Truth in the farg luke.
I hope so... this is destined to be classic.
Damn straight. i cn barely see from laffing so hard.
The worls is joining into a thousand fargments !
I can't find my farging beer.
farg the fascist fargmongers!
Its splitting into 1 noofarg !
Forever !!
can we, but oh lowly sons of garf truely expand on the primo subject of farg?
What the farg is forever. Enuff fargin forever.
"garf" ? Are you of garf ???
why do any of you buttcheeses litsne to me anyway? :)))
Forever !!
garf the fargin thinfs!
Son of garf?
Farg the garf!
Bride of Garf...
Oh, we were listening?
* jceverett was farging...
Farg will now truly live forever
The world according to garf
Forever !!
Tribe ADB Forever!
farg: the almighty
Do we have to consume on every forever ??!
forever, until at least next week
All hail the almighty farg!
Tribe ADB RULZ !
Forever !!
Farg will live in our hearts.
tribe ADb ias the business
When do they lock us up?
Thinf about it !
I dunno, Greg - ask Jaz. He wrote the newsgroup game. What about the IRC version?
look - you dudes are cynical nut Farg - will live forever
I'm going to write it soon.
I just mean when we are being tribal
* jceverett is thinfing
Tribal forever!
Thinf about this, the worls is farging into one !
*** sonny1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout for sonny1[])
Farget everyting.
indeed - no shit - tribal ADb forever - to this I am truely commitedf
triabl garf is fargin the world. Dominated by the commercialezed garfing fargs!
commited, Forever !
I give my life to my fellow fargs.
I give me life *for* my fellow fargs.
Commiteed to the Tribe & The Fargin noogeopshere !
*** Scoundrel changes topic to "Fargin Garf Tribal Adb thinfs!"
never forget who gave farg his life.....
Nice one, Scoun...
Forever !!
He who shall farg his life shall not farg but have everlasting farg...
*** darsy changes topic to "noospectrum tribal spyrogyra oosphere"
*** Scoundre1 ( has joined #adb
*** Rikk sets mode: +o Scoundre1
*** Scoundre1 is now known as buttcheez
Uh, Scoundrel? Why are you here twice?
scoundrel, yoo buttcheese !
*** sonny1 ( has joined #adb
*** Rikk sets mode: +o sonny1
fargin shit....
Hi again Sonny.
the holy buttcheese shll not be forgotten.....
sonny ! Forever !
I am the great Farg coming to tinf for you!
Farg to that Chad.
Brother sonny farg.
Tinf me, buttcheez!
Darsy is father Farg!!!
Tribal bothers !
Darsy is father of all Fargs
Tribal bothers?
* jceverett isn't bothered
Al hail darsy farg.
i bow down in sacrosacnt buttcheeseness to the fellow fargs
The beauty of preemptive multitasking!
We are borothers of the nootribe !
I'm proud to be a brother of farg tride.
I thinf
Here's to the borothers of the nootribe!
I thinf therefore I Farg
I thinf, therefore I farg
at the same time, I say unto you - "get it down ya"
Damn, Greg... beat me to it.
I just farged.
i fard, therefor i drink
get it down ya, Tribesmen !
Down in one fellow fargs!
*** FatWeasel sets mode: -o BigJaz
All Hail Tribe ADB !!!!
*** Scoundrel has quit IRC (passes out.)
Damn... what was that?
greg: you said it: we ARE tribesmen - we ARE the FARGS
*** buttcheez is now known as Scoundrel
Hail Tribe ADB Forever!
*** FatWeasel sets mode: +o BigJaz
Forever !!
but the importnant thing is - keep drinking!
To yer faces Tribesmen !
Forever !!
Hail darsy!!!
He who huffs ass cannot farg, so saith The Tribal Garf.
Lol scound.
woah, tribe - get it down ya
So sayeth Scoundrel. So sayeth the farg.
No asshuffer shall be Farg.
yo verily spake the holyman scoundrel.....
nooasshuffers will not be tolerated !
Asshuffers will be fargotten.
As they are without the Farg !
Forever !!
He who huffs the ass cannot farg the garth. This shall be passed to the brethren.
and it came to pass, the the holyman called "scoundrel" did decree that "he who huffs ass cannt farg" and yeah, verifly it came to pass
Forever !!
All not farg will roam unseen for eternity.
Use the farg, Scoundrel.
Forever !!
* jceverett climbs back into the chair...
pour yourself another before you move on to Part 2
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