Essential Tea Sites
- The Japanese tea ceremony.
- Important Events in the History of Tea (Chronologically).
- tea, ISO standard cup of
- Making Tea or Coffee on Shabbos - Issues in Practical Halacha.
- Afternoon tea at Nancy's elegant, quiet break in day. By Barbralu Cohen.
- Russian Tea Ceremony - a unique collection of teaware.
- Maps and pictures of tea harvesting in Malawi.
- Frequently Asked Questions about Coffee and Caffeine makes available lots of technical caffeine info including a .gif of the caffeine molecule.
- The Chinese Tea Ceremony page contains plenty of text and pictures.
- Occupation Tea Box - The five photos on this page show printed labels from a Japanese Tea Box from the later 1940s.
- Everything you ever wanted to know about Green tea.
- What is caffeine? contains a good amount of info about caffeine that comes from a variety of sources.
- Caffeine Extraction from Tea: Dr Ed Neeland.
- Tea -An exhibition presented from May 29 to December 8, 1996 by Le Centre d'histoire de Montréal, la Maison de la culture Notre-Dame-de-Grâce and la Maison de la culture Côte-des-Neiges
- Read the Tea Dying FAQ to learn how to use tea to dye clothing.
- A recipe for tea liqueur using jasmine tea.
- Gainesville Camellia Society.
- Tea & Conversation - Come in and join the conversation. A very different and interactive page.
- Cooking With Tea by Diana Rosen. Also here is Tea Talk - a newsletter on the pleasures of tea.
- The Tokyo home of tea (Japanese language page).
- Puppet that serves tea - Room puppets were expensive toys of feudal lords and influential merchants during the Edo period...
- The Tokugawa Art Museum presents The Museum Grounds and Garden Tea Houses
- Antiche Camelie della Lucchesia
- Cornish Tea-Cake recipe.
- The Cat-Tea Corner contains quite a few tea related pages, including a guide to tea shops.
- The Japanese Green Tea page contains another Origin of Japanese Tea, and information on Japanese Green Tea and Human Health.
- The Darjeeling Tea site is sponsored by The Darjeeling Planters Association, and contains a tea glossery, history of Darjeeling tea, tourism in Darjeeling, and more.
- The Epicurious Dictionary provides an extensive description of tea, along with links to tea related words.
- Leadership Skills for Today provides Tea Etiquette Seminars.
- Tespecialisten Tebladet offers a free Tea screen saver for win3.1, win95 and Macintosh computers (Swedish site). A frames capable browser is required to view this page.
- "Tea for me" painting from the Lin Hsin Hsin Art Museum. Also, there is the "Tea for U" painting.
- A recipe from Morocco for Moroccan Mint tea.
- Mike Lehman's HotTEA is a Basic language interpreter for Java. For an example, Play "HotTEA hangman" right here (Java capable browser required!).
- Thé and tee (a French site). Le site du Thé son histoire ses légendes.
- Tea Tours - Visit England with Over A Cuppa Tea Tearoom Tours
- There are a couple of nice tea themes for your win95/98/NT desktop at Original Look.
- Here's a recipe for Strawberry Iced Tea Fizz.
- How did tea catch on outside of China? Read The Story Of Tea to find out.
- A Brief History of Tea is part of the Korean tea pages, compliments of of Brother Anthony.
- Henri Matisse painting "Tea".
- The Tea Council Online (U.K.)
- Russian Tea Ceremony - a unique collection of teaware.
- The Green Tea Extract page contains information on quite a few Green Tea studies.
- Blue Globe Health Guide's Ten Teas From Plants Around You And Their Benefits.
- Here is a recipe for Black Currant Tea Brownies.
- Tea Recipes Collection - Janet Morrisey. These are recipes to enjoy with tea, not recipes containing tea.
- The Story of Tea.
- Story of Luk Yu - known as the immortal of tea of China.
- is the Usenet newsgroup for tea drinkers.