Welcome to this Guestbook. Please read comments and suggestions from others. I hope it will encourage you to enter your part of the comments.

Ilja Gort - 02/13/00 12:10:54
My URL:http://www,chateaudelagarde.com
My Email:ilja@tip.nl
komt! ik heb nog niks gezien..... groet..

Cindy - 09/08/98 14:38:02
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Kari Pöllänen - 10/06/97 19:24:32
My URL:http://www.dmimpex.cnet.fi
My Email:kari@dmimpex.cnet.fi
Favourite part: clear index, easy to go directly to the subject
Least liked part: visuals
see our site www.dmimpex.cbet.fi It was designed by a Finnish wine lover and photograph Hannu Lehmusvuori who has a site similar to yours. I´d like to link your site from our site presenting the Karelia Ultima , the world´s oldest wine accessory. I found your site through Robin Garr, who will be "proud to have our link on his site"(quote). I´ll bookmark your site and come again.

Paul - 09/17/97 22:55:34
My Email:P.Hoebink@maw.kun.nl
I think I like to drink you wines more then your page, even if it is out of construction

- 09/05/97 07:11:12
My Email:g.fransen@ivern.nl
Indrukwekkende pagina. Ik zie uit naar de proefpagina's. groeten.

Ton Dorland - 09/02/97 20:31:33
My Email:dorland@mail.dec.com
A nice music would make things much better

Ron Bosma - 08/31/97 13:40:11
My Email:Bostra2Worldaccess.nl
Specific suggestions: Keep going
Ziet erg goed uit Cor, gelukkig geen muziekje vriendelijke groet, Ron

Rob Helle - 08/24/97 01:03:37
My URL:http://www.objectivity.co.uk
My Email:rhelle@objectivity.co.uk
Favourite part: Vinteresse
Least liked part: How I became a ...
Specific suggestions: Use Frontpage!
Heel goed Jongen! Prima begin; het moeilijke is om het up-to-date te houden. Rob

Wim van de Donk - 08/19/97 12:02:50
My URL:http://cwis.kub.nl/~frw/schrdijk/CRI/people/wimdonk/wimdonk.htm
My Email:Wim.B.H.J.vdDonk@kub.nl
Favourite part: All of it
Mijn simpele groet, Ik kom terug. Wim

- 08/13/97 19:19:31

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