Total: 15 guests
Name: Saundra Bowers
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Northwestern Wisconsin
Time: 1997-04-16 12:30:00
Comments: I have been searching for friendship quotes when I fell into your page! I am very happily married to my soulmate.I love having a computer to meet friends.I have been in cyberspace for about 2 months now and have met a wonderful man from Malaysia who is now my very good friend that I could not live without!*Smile* I hope you find someone like I have with whom you can enjoy each other and also have the opportunity to explore your own personal desires independently. I believe in friends! Good Luck and God Bless...

Name: Angela
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: North Carolina
Time: 1997-03-19 23:32:00
Comments: Que' interesante es Ud. Estudio espan~ol y quiero aprender ma's idiomas...

Name: Ms. Rekha Nahar
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Bangladesh, residing in the Philippines
Time: 1997-03-18 00:21:00
Comments: Mr. Sison, you are from the beautiful city of Philippines: Baguio. How about Filipino language? Have you forgotten how to speak in Tagalog?

Name: Rekha Nahar
Website: none
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Bangladesh, residing in the Philippines
Time: 1997-03-11 03:23:00
Comments: Nice page! There are several interesting facts about you: universality, the concept of a soulmate, and health...

Name: AnnaLaura Brown
Website: The Langagues Page-La Page de Langues
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Salt Lake CIty, UTah
Time: 1997-03-10 12:39:00
Comments: Bonjour! J'aime votre page. Passez une bonne journee!

Name: Christine Fay
Website: Don't have one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Australia
Time: 1997-02-21 23:54:00
Comments: Hi I was just surfing around. I am currently learning Italian and thought I would look up what ever!

Name: Yana
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: I am Indonesian and studying in Australia at this moment
Time: 1997-02-21 00:31:00
Comments: Are you interested in learning Bahasa Indonesia ?

Name: karen caruana
Referred by: From WWW.LPAGE.COM
From: sydney australia
Time: 1997-02-14 00:29:00
Comments: just wanted to say hi,as this is all new to me.hope l get to talk to you again.happy valentines day!!!!

Name: Catalina Bryant
Website: Catalina and Marcus Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Canary Islands (Spain)
Time: 1997-02-05 15:30:00
Comments: Love your page! Tu pagina esta muy bonita, pero donde esta la poesia?

Name: David Ireland Megiro
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ahora del Canada, antes de Espana, y de origen Inglaterra
Time: 1997-01-08 19:25:00
Comments: Me pareces un espiritu gemelo. Tambien me gustan los idiomas, el viaje, la musica, los films. Desgraciadamente no tengo mucha oportunidad de viajar -- en efecto, desde que tome la jubilacion anticipada el ano pasado busco las oportunidades de ganar la vida de los viajes y de los idiomas. Volvere a esta pagina casal. Buena suerte y hasta la proxima!

Name: geraldine grubb
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: indianapolis, indiana (USA)
Time: 1997-01-03 18:56:00
Comments: Bonjour, Je parle francais un peu. J'etudie le francais a la Indiana universitaire mais peut-etre j'ai plusiers apprendre. Si tu voudrais parler avec une americainne (j'adore vister Europe). Paris est tres beau. Now in English, I will answer all emails to me in english or french. I look forward to hearing from others. au revoir Geraldine

Name: Guillaume Cottenceau
Website: Useless Home page ; in fact it's not really _my_ homepage...
Referred by: From Geocities
From: France!
Time: 1996-12-18 11:20:00
Comments: I simply wanted to download my neighbour's pages... and i got here! c'est assez rare de voir des pages en francais, mais une faite par quelqu'un de non-francais... J'aimerais ajouter que le cinema francais est _vraiment_ bien, surtout les films de C. Lelouch et les productions non-commerciales. Vive la culture sur Internet!

Name: Mamiko Nakada
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Tokyo
Time: 1996-12-04 00:49:00
Comments: I enjoyed your page. I thought I've gotta study French much harder. I'm going to visit Paris this winter and I can hardly wait for it. See you.

Name: Jennifer massey
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Je viens de Texas!
Time: 1996-11-22 13:33:00
Comments: Elle est chouette, la page! Je suis americaine, mais j'ai habite en France pendant un an et je parle un peu de francais. Je n'arrive pas beaucoup trouve en francais sur l'internet qui peut vraiment m'aider en francais. Merci! Je vais revenirde temps en temps pour apprendre! Jennifer

Name: ANdy
Website: no tengo
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: UK but live in Malaysia
Time: 1996-11-15 22:44:00
Comments: aqui se extrana a los idiomas del amor, pero no de la revolucion!

Total: 15 guests

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