2Pac Poems
the event of my Demise
my heart can beat no more
Hope I Die For A Principle
A Belief that I had Lived 4
will die Before My Time
I feel the shadow's Depth
much I wanted 2 accomplish
I reached my Death
have come 2 grips with the possibility
wiped the last tear from My eyes
Loved All who were Positive
the event of my Demise
Tupac Shakur
(Poem taken from actual writings of Tupac Shakur from
'The Poetry Circle'
Santa Rosa California 1993-Provided by Leila Steinburg)
4 Huey P Newton
could never understand
u set out 2 do
they chose 2
u got weak
loved the sight
your dimming
flickering starlight
could they understand what was so intricate
be loved by so many, so intimate
wanted 2 c your lifeless corpse
way u could not alter the course
ignorance that they have set
make my people forget
they have done for much 2 long
just forget and carry on
had loved u forever because of who u r
now I mourn our fallen star
Tupac Shakur
is filled with anger
with hidden hate
of being outcast
of common fate
is built on tragedies
no one wants 2 face
2 humanities
morally disgraced
is filled with rage
in the air
bred with ruthlessness
no one at home cares
I lay my head down
the pressure never stops
at my sanity
when I am dropped
2morrow I c change
chance 2 build a new
on spirit intent of Heart
on truth
tomorrow I wake with second wind
strong because of pride
know I fought with all my heart 2 keep my
Tupac Shakur