Welcome, I will try show what I have been up to lately.
Telling you exactly what I do every day, really tells you nothing about the real me. Telling you how I feel about a variety of things does. What I think about... when I am standing around looking normal , thinking abnormal thoughts.
Up above are some links to pictures from my travels and thoughts. Italy is where I am living now, but unfortunately I travel around for my work. Also here is Sarajevo and soon I will put up some from my last residence, Japan. And If I get my dreams I will have pictures of England and Hawaii in a few months. Let me know if you want to see California, where I was raised.
I am terrible at trying to keep up with writing daily "Today sucked because blah blah blah..." So when I get some time I will update these pages.
I haven't seen Titanic yet so my favorite movie is still "Princess Bride".
click the mailbox for another address.