Hi! My name is William Beard aka "The Baking Bear" Thank you for visiting my website.

melissa oliver - 02/24/00 17:31:35
My Email:@mindspring.com
Your Favorite Kind Of Weather: summer
Your Favorite Singer: celine dionne
Your Favorite Holiday: birthdays
Your Favorite Website: citysearch
nice web site. I'll visit again.

Gloria J goeres - 05/11/99 17:54:21
My Email:Globug1661@aol.com
Your Favorite Color: blue
Your Favorite Kind Of Weather: sunny and warm
Your Favorite Singer: Neal Mccoy
Your Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Your Favorite Website: anyone with recipes
Your Favorite Food: ham

Lori Morris - 10/16/98 20:58:46
My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/8799
My Email:ksamoyed@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Color: Blue
Your Favorite Kind Of Weather: Snowy
Your Favorite Holiday: Xmas
Your Favorite Food: Italian
William, Your site looks great!! You did a good job!!

joe pinko - 08/30/98 18:44:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/va/redsex6
My Email:jpinko@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Color: clear
Your Favorite Kind Of Weather: clear
Your Favorite Singer: nivek ogre
Your Favorite Holiday: halloween
Your Favorite Website: http://www.invisiblerecords.com
Your Favorite Food: french girls
your site is beary cool. i couldn't bear to go without it.

james douglas wright - 08/26/98 14:15:59
My Email:doug.wright1@mailcity.com
Your Favorite Color: green
Your Favorite Kind Of Weather: cool not cold.......sweatshirt type weather
Your Favorite Singer: barney
Your Favorite Holiday: easter
Your Favorite Website: www.cnnsi.com
Your Favorite Food: seafood.....spicy hot!
glad to see your bear is not a beanie baby,boy is that getting old...........my wife and i have enjoyed your delicious recipes.....desserts and the "real food" as you call it,i like to call it "the food that sticks" ...........you can use that if you like.

Drew - 08/25/98 00:40:27
My Email:pritchett@i2020.net
Your Favorite Color: Orange
Your Favorite Kind Of Weather: Spring/Fall
Your Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving
Your Favorite Food: Lasagna

Gina - 08/13/98 05:21:06
My URL:/~worldrecipes
My Email:worldrecipes@bigfoot.com
Your Favorite Color: Blue or Green
Your Favorite Kind Of Weather: Not hot, not cold, a little breezy and partly cloudy
Your Favorite Singer: Deborah Gibson
Your Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving
Your Favorite Website: http://members.aol.com/alayyan/SearchSites.html
Your Favorite Food: Falafel with Hummos on a Pita!

Interesting questions! I would never think to ask someone what their favorite weather is, although people usually do have a strong preference in that subject. I also love thunderstor s and heavy rain. Very relaxing! I invite you to check out my sites.... =)

World of Recipes - Great recipes from around the world.
Textured World - Unique and original graphics to enhance your site.

Judi Taylor - 07/10/98 21:08:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/9520/
My Email:cooking-with-j@geocities.com
Your Favorite Color: purple
Your Favorite Kind Of Weather: thunder storm(no lightning though)
Your Favorite Singer: Elvis Presley
Your Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving
Your Favorite Website: my own
Your Favorite Food: steak teriyaki
I really have enjoyed your sight. Your recipes sound delicious! Please pay a visit to my site. And don't forget to sign my guestbook. Thanks!

Tony - 05/26/98 18:41:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/9166/
My Email:alligator77002@geocities.com
Your Favorite Color: Green
Your Favorite Kind Of Weather: Warm and Sunny
Your Favorite Singer: Elvis
Your Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Your Favorite Website: Mine
Your Favorite Food: In Season
Banner surf'n and caught your wave :)

clev rogers - 03/16/98 02:55:20
Your Favorite Color: navy blue
Your Favorite Kind Of Weather: sunny calm
Your Favorite Singer: gladys knight
Your Favorite Holiday: xmas
Your Favorite Food: jumbolia

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