What Causes Alcoholism?

There is no definite cause of alcoholism; however, several factors may play a role in its development. In families with an alcoholic parent, an offspring is more likely to become an alcoholic than a person without an alcoholic parent. The reason for this occurrence is not known, but genetic or biochemical abnormalities may be present. Psychological factors may include a need for relief of anxiety, unresolved conflict within relationships, or low self-esteem. Social factors include availability of alcohol, social acceptance of the use of alcohol, peer pressure, and stressful lifestyles. Incidence of alcohol dependence is increasing. Statistics vary, but approximately 7% of adults in the U.S. are affected. Prevention: Until the primary causes of alcoholism are understood, the disease cannot be prevented. However, educational programs about alcohol directed at children, teen-agers, and their parents, as well as appropriate attitudes towards alcohol use within the home, may help to prevent its abuse.


-tolerance to the effects of alcohol

-need for daily or frequent use of alcohol for adequate function

-lack of control over drinking, with inability to discontinue or reduce alcohol intake

-solitary drinking

-making excuses to drink

-episodes of memory loss associated with drinking (black outs)

-episodes of violence associated with drinking

-interference with social and family relationships

-behavioral problems such as missing work

-unexplained mood swings

-secretive behavior to hide alcohol related behavior

-hostility when confronted about drinking

-neglect of food intake

-neglect of physical appearance



-shaking in the morning

-abdominal nain


-numbness and tingling

-redness and enlarged capillaries in the face (especially the nose)

-confusion occupational responsibilities

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms may vary from mild to severe:

-tremors to uncontrollable body shaking

-restlessness to agitation

-insomnia to total wakefulness

-loss of appetite to rejection of all food
