
The information contained here is supplied for your interest only and further research may be required.
I have gathered it from many sources over many years. While I attempt to insure they are crossed referenced for accuracy,
I take no responsibility for mistakes - additions or corrections are welcomed.


“Fish, to taste right, must swim three times - in water, in butter and in wine.”
Old Polish Proverb

FISH : Fruits de mer - Kai moana
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While this information is mainly based on NZ fish, the principles can be used internationally.

Fish has played an important part in 'mans' diet for hundreds of years, if not thousands. In recent years fish has regained popularity because of its healthiness; low in fat and calories and high in protein.

Peoples methods of cooking fish has greatly changed; no longer is it just served in a thick batter with a tartare sauce and a wedge of lemon. Lighter beer and tempura (Japanese) batters are being used, along with lighter sauces and modes of cookery. The Japanese sashimi; raw fish is now very popular in New Zealand.

Emphasis is being placed more on the fish and less on the sauces, the heavier Escoffier sauces tending to mask the fish' flavour rather than complimenting it.

More importance is also being placed on the use of fresh fish, straight from the boat rather than frozen. With the ability of Trawlers to now trawl at much deeper levels, new species are being discovered all the time, some available commercially some not. Recent new species available are; orange roughy, oreo dory and hoki.

If you would like (non culinary) fish species info,
click on 'Eric the Halibut'for a database search facility

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