Recipe Conversions

The information contained here is supplied for your interest only and further research may be required.
I have gathered it from many sources over many years. While I attempt to insure they are crossed referenced for accuracy,
I take no responsibility for mistakes - additions or corrections are welcomed.


I am constantly asked how to convert imperial to metric and vice versa and I have to admit while I grew up with the imperial system I am now totally metrically minded. These requests finally sent me on a quest to find easy equations on how to convert them, this was not an easy a task as I thought it would be. However finally I managed to come up with the formulae which you see below.

I also sell a CD that contains an automatic recipe converter.
Type in your ingredients amounts and it converts them from metric to Imperial and vice versa automatically for you.

These are available for $US20 (incuding P & P).
Post to "Recipe Converter", PO Box 469, Greymouth, New Zealand

Metric to Imperial to Metric

From To Multiply by
Gms Oz 0.035
Kg Lbs 2.2
Oz Gms 28
Lbs Kg 0.45
Mls Tsp 0.2
Mls Tbs 0.07
Mls Fl oz 0.03
Lt Cups 4.23
Lt Pints 2.1
Lt Quarts 1.06
Lt Gals 0.26
Tsp Mls 5
Tbs Mls 15
Fl oz Mls 30
Cups Lt 0.24
Pts Lt 0.47
Quarts Lt 0.95
Gals Lt 3.8
ºC ºF 9/5 + 32
ºF ºC -32 x 5/9

American to Metric and Imperial

From 1 cup To (metric) To (imperial)
butter 142 gms 5 oz
grated cheese 98 gms 3. 5 oz
sugar (castor) 223 gms 7. 5 oz
sugar (icing) 110 gms 3. 75 oz
sugar (soft brown) 110 gms 3. 75 oz
flour 125 gms 4. 5 oz
cornflour 125 gms 4. 5 oz
dried fruit (currants etc) 200 gms 7 oz
water 250 mls 8 fl oz
1 tablespoon 15 mls .4 fl oz
1 teaspoon 5 mls fl oz


Oven Centigrade Fahrenheit Gas mark
Very slow 115 - 135 240 - 275 1/2
Slow 135 - 160 275 - 320 1
Warm 160 - 170 320 - 340 3
Moderate 170 - 185 340 - 365 4
Fairly hot 185 - 205 365 - 400 5-6
Hot 205 - 225 400 - 440 7
Very hot 225 - 250 440 - 480 8-9

Centigrade 115 135 160 170 185 205 225 250 275 300 350 400 500
Farenheit 239 275 320 338 365 401 437 482 527 572 662 752 932

Farenheit 200 280 320 340 370 400 440 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Centigrade 93 138 160 171 188 204 227 260 316 371 427 482 538

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