Food Hygiene I

The information contained here is supplied for your interest only and further research may be required.
I have gathered it from many sources over many years. While I attempt to insure they are crossed referenced for accuracy,
I take no responsibility for mistakes - additions or corrections are welcomed.


Is there anything more important than keeping your family safe from food poisoning?

It might surprise you to know that New Zealand has one of, if not the highest rate of food poisoning cases in the 'civilised' world! Thankfully most of these are mild cases, unlike those recent outbreaks overseas; where from single outbreaks (all were infected from the same source):

  • 50+ dead in Japan
  • 20+ dead in Scotland
  • 20+ dead in USA
  • Currently(June 2000) in Canada, a whole township is seriously ill from infected drinking water, deaths have occured and all drinking water is being trucked in and having to be collected from tankers in the street.
Do we need this in New Zealand? I don't think so.

Surprisingly most food poisoning cases do NOTcome from having eaten out in cafes, restaurants etc, but from YOUR OWN HOME!. I hope these pages will go someway to stopping these food poisoning cases and keep your family safe.

Food safety and hygiene is a sanitary science for the care, preparation and service of food, so that it is clean, wholesome and free from contamination. Food safety is more than just cleanliness; it includes all practices involved in:

  • Protecting food from risk of contamination, including harmful bacteria, poisons and foreign bodies.
  • Preventing any bacteria present multiplying to an extent which would result in the illness of consumers or result in early spoilage of the food.
  • Destroying any harmful bacteria in the food by thorough cooking or processing.
  • If your food is safe you can be confident that you, your family and/or your business is safe. Food safety is all about making sure any food prepared for human consumption will not make people ill
  • Food safety knowledge gives you the control over food safety. You can make sure all the people in your home or working with/for you are committed to producing safe food, by helping them learn more about hygiene standards.
  • Food safety problems become easier to spot before they happen, saving you time, money and worry.
Micro-biological food spoilage, contamination & poisoning can occur in several ways, from:
  • Fungi (yeasts, moulds)
  • Protozoa
  • Viruses
  • Bacteria
Of these, BACTERIA cause most illness.

These food hygiene pages have been set up with the basic information that should help you combat food poisoning.
If you would like any further detailed information please feel free to email me.

I also hold regular 'Food Handlers Certificate' courses at Tai Poutini Polytechnic. Call us at 0800-800411 for details.

  - - - Hygiene Main Page - - - Hygiene Terminology - - - Hygiene Bacteria - - - Hygiene Control - - - Hygiene Temperatures- - - Hygiene Tips - - -

- - - Main Index page - - - Main Index page - - -

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