I created this site to be one of the easiest recipe databases on the web. Its relatively simple to use.
This page works like this. On the far left of the screen is
a menu of food categories. You can browse the menu to find
the category your looking for. As soon as you find your
category, you click on the name. A list of recipes should then
appear on the far right of your screen. Now you can browse
the recipes. As soon as you find the one your looking for,
simply click on it and the recipe will appear in the middle of
your screen. It's that simple.
If you still feel lost, here is an example to get you warmed up with.
STEP 1 ---> Choose Category By Clicking On It
Lets say that your looking for a new recipe for your dinner soup.
What you do, is click on the "SOUPS" category.
Step 2 ---> Choose a Final Category
Lest say that its summer, and your just not in the mood for hot
soups. So you'd like to try a cold soup recipe.
What you do is click on "Cold Soups". Now you should see
a list of recipes on the far right of your screen pop up.
Step 3 ---> Choose a Recipe & Your Done !
All that is left to do is brows the recipes for a particular one
you like, click on it, and it will come up in the middle of your screen.