The Wallpaper Works
706 S. King Street
Leesburg, VA 20175
(703) 779-5700

Are you looking for the store that can help you find the perfect wallpaper?

Are you looking for the store that gives you the personal attention YOU deserve?

Make sure to visit The Wallpaper Works; we are the industry leader in Virginia.


We have over 500 books from which to choose, so you will find the perfect wallpaper.  Our resident design consultant will devote professional attention to your project and assure your satisfaction.  Professional installation is available within our service area - about a 50-mile radius of Leesburg, VA.  Our in-home decorator makes House CallsSM by appointment to ensure the end-result exceeds your expectations.

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Some of the Name Brands that you'll find at The Wallpaper Works include:











Ron ReddingTM


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We can help with all of your decorating needs with our in-house design consultants.  We know you're busy - we'll work around your schedule; please give us a call to set up an appointment or just to ask questions - we're here to help.

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"Where To Find Us"

706 S. King Street
Leesburg, VA 20175
(703) 779-5700

Click on the map to explore the Leesburg area


Hours of Operation:
10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Saturday
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Please email us your questions and/or comments.

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