In my time off I'm really into gaming, find hereunder several gametitles
I really enjoy(ed). Please sign the guestbook so that I know you've been here. If you find something on the site that is incorrect or not functioning well,
let me know by e-mail.
My favourite games in random order: Soul Reaver II - Severance: Blade of Darkness -
Max Payne - Alice - Clive Barker's Undying - Soul Reaver I - Soldier of
Fortune - Tomb Raider 5: Chronicles - Midtown Madness II - Crusader No
Remorse - Giants - The Longest Journey - Interstate 82 - The Sims - Thief
II - Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Hitman: Codename 47 - Project IGI
- Rainbow six: Rogue Spear - No One Lives Forever: The Operative - Dark
Forces II: Jedi Outcast - No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M.'s
Way - Splintercell - Hitman 2: Silent Assassin - Tron 2.0 - Myst: Riven -
- Tomb Raider 6: Angel of Darkness - Half-Life - Red Faction 1&2 - Beyond
Good and Evil - Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow - The Thing - Unreal Tournament: The Awakening - Prince
of Persia: Sands of Time - Serious Sam - Doom III - World of Warcraft
- Farcry - Need For Speed: Underground 2 - Flat out - Prince of Persia:
Warrior Within - Halo: Combat Evolved - F.E.A.R. - LEGO Star Wars II - Flatout - Crashday - Battlefield 1942 - Need For Speed: Most Wanted - Project IGI: Covert Strike - Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory - Tomb Raider: Legend.
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On saturday February 19th 2005 I received my 'World of Warcraft' CD-casing!! You can find me in the Alliance faction as human Warrior 'Rambolito' on the European Doomhammer server.