e appears silently, as if materialized from the misty shadows of the rain moistened forest. Motionless, eyes staring from beneath the dark, rain soaked hood of the tanned leather robe pulled loosely around his shoulders. Drops of rain slowly dripping from his steady brow and down over the black and red patterns painted across his face. The only noticeable movement seeming to be the slow, steady tapping of his finger over the leather wrapped wooden handle of the weapon held low at his side.

A low rumble over the distant hills, a faint flash through the darkening sky as the clouds thicken and shroud the valley, diluting the bright colors of new life brought by the warm southern breeze of spring. The soft falling rain echoing through the silence of the forest as each drop collides with the newly formed leaves of the forests canopy. The gentle southwestern breeze begins to recede as the approaching storm forces its way east with a rumbling groan, determined to consume the valley.

A sudden screech breaks the faint sound of dripping water as high over head an eagle circles the valley, her sharp eyes scanning the land below as she glides effortlessly through the air. She calls out again, at the sight of the motionless form at the forests edge below, as if waiting for a reply, slowly she begins her decent, her wings spread wide as she continues scanning every movement in the valley below. She lets out two short squawks and slows her decent as she spots movement in the deep shadows of underbrush,calling out to those who listen below, the arrival of a majestic beast.

Moving steadily, with stealth like motions, the dark grey form emerges from a low covering of branches and stops to peer towards the sky. Eyes faintly glowing in a golden shimmer as the lightning flashes off in the distance, the beast, head raised, nostrils flaring at the scents carried in the wind, begins a deep, low, ghostly howl that echoes throughout the valley to announce its arrival, fearless of all beings. The wolf, loyal, majestic, noble, howls towards the sky as if answering the call of the eagle soaring above, and continues her path along the edge of the forest as the storm closes in around the valley.

As the lightning fills the sky and the thunder rumbles through the valley, he stands and waits, looking to the sky as the eagle circles against the dark grey clouds overhead. Holding out his arm, hand clenched in a fist, he calls out to the eagle to join him. The eagle dives in the thick air and quickly spreads her wings further, floating down slowly, talons open wide as if to grab her next prey. Silently she nears and wraps her deadly talons around his arm, wings folded and perches upon the outstretched arm.

The eagle rests quietly, her eyes fixed to his as her head moves in short, questioning gestures. As if speaking an unheard language, the two seem to communicate, through simple gestures and the trust in each others eyes. The quiet is broken by a thunderous clap of lightning that seems to light the whole valley as only the sun can. The two stare instantly at the grey form approaching them along the edge of the forest.

The wolf nears, nose to the air, searching for the familiar scent of her long time companions. The warrior turns, eagle still apon his arm as he crouches down and makes a small, clicking sound, a familiar call to wolf as to his identity. The wolf pauses and lets out a low, drawn out howl that deadens quickly in the heavy air, her ears perk up at the the sound of her trusted friend and companion. She now approaches steadily and somewhat anxiously. A soft smile spreads over the warriors face, reaching out a steady hand as the wolf stands inches away and howls softly in greeting.

The warrior strokes wolfs thick fur and scratches her ears as she sits, tail wagging, her eyes fixed on those of the warrior. The eagle squawks, as if reminding the two of her presence, and their journey. As the storm passes quickly through the valley, the three companions begin their next leg of the long, adventurous and unknown journey that lies ahead.



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