Welcome to the Guestbook, feel free to sign and see who else has been here.

Tom Nelson - 12/06/00 04:50:17
My Email:tnelso@juno.com
What's your favorite area here??: Expy

Nice truck. I'm also the proud owner of a '97 Expedition. (White, 5.4l XLT). I'm just about to need a set of tires and am wonding how big I can get without a lift. I've got 265 70r17's now, but, might need some new wheels too. Any Expy clubs you know of here in WA?

Sarah - 11/16/99 18:18:26
My URL:http://www.jslfree.com/
My Email:aasarah@hotmail.com
What's your favorite area here??: the guestbook

love your site ...great set up must have taken a lot of time

Lady_Rolex(Nancy) - 07/20/99 22:01:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/md/getbusy/index.html
My Email:tawny15@webtv.net
What's your favorite area here??: I dunnno it was alil confusing i guess the dancing monkeys *L*

Hi sweetie just wanted to peep r page your so cute n funny ,be happy always babe talk with u in chat buh bye~ Hugs~

Droid - 06/24/99 22:53:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/droid

Click hereDroid! to go to my page.

Kissdis2 - 06/05/99 21:43:05
My Email:Kissdis2@yahoo.com
What's your favorite area here??: have to guess...lol

nice page

J O H N N I E - 04/30/99 16:39:30
My URL:http://www.wsites.com/sunrise6/
My Email:sunrise6@fcmail.com
What's your favorite area here??: I like monkeys

cool homepage also check out www.countdown9199.com

Shannon Adney - 03/17/99 23:30:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok2/sweetsexycountrygirl/index.html
My Email:adney@nsuok.edu
What's your favorite area here??: the Pictures

Very cute*S*

mistreated secretary - 02/26/99 02:00:37
My URL:http://www.cavalrynet.com/dave!/
My Email:mistreated_one@hotmail.com
What's your favorite area here??: pink floyd of course :)

hey you were right...duh....i followed your directions and sure enough here was your little ole guest book...hehehe...im good at following directions *BS*.....im good at lots of things even though the mean boss says im not....he tends to fib a bit....anyw y...dont forget to sign his guestbook please...and feel free to tell him just what an inhuman brute he is and how very nice i am *BS*...have a good day and thanx for the directions *BS*

smokin' guns babe - 02/16/99 21:01:15
My URL:/MotorCity/Downs/9209
What's your favorite area here??: The whole thing of course *L*

Nice page *S* Very well done!!

xxxgirl - 02/15/99 19:24:55
My Email:xxx_g@hotmail.com
What's your favorite area here??: Pink Floyd

Great page!!! Loved the part about Pink Floyd. Sorry to have to tell you this, but a Chevy Blazer is better than a Ford Expedition!! *LOL*

Kelly - 01/29/99 22:00:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nj/JazzGirl/
My Email:Kel-Jazz@webtv.net
What's your favorite area here??: Itz all good...

Cool Page! It has lots of cute images... (-:

Colleen - 01/25/99 00:21:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/Collegekid
My Email:coollegekd@hotmail.com
What's your favorite area here??: the front page

I like the little mice dancing at the opening of your page, very cute. Please visit my homepage too.

Colleen - 01/22/99 02:28:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il/Collegekid
My Email:coollegekd@hotmail.com
What's your favorite area here??: the main page

I like your animated monkeys, very cute. Please visit my homepage also.

budlite777 - 12/21/98 20:56:01
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~sparky777/
My Email:sparky777@earthlink.net
What's your favorite area here??: grafics

Interesting. Like the grafics. Happy holidays.

Stud Duck - 11/02/98 03:31:32
My URL:http://www.aol.com
My Email:studuck383@aol.com
What's your favorite area here??: Pink Floyd

I am Thermomonkey's illustrius brother...Stud Duck.

lisa3 - 11/01/98 16:44:56
My Email:lisathenut@worldnet.att.net
What's your favorite area here??: all of it ...

just stopped by ...cool site

catherine(sassy) - 11/01/98 13:31:56
My URL:/fashionavenue/7724
My Email:fiesty35@yahoo.com
What's your favorite area here??: gotta love pink floyd*S*

hi chris, thanks for stopping by my page and signing my book*S* i like to return the favour. hope to talk with you again soon, catherine

Thomas Coleman - 08/22/98 01:58:17
My Email:tcolema1@ix.netcom.com
What's your favorite area here??: Life On A Sub

Fine Job.......... Showed Mom. She never saw your website before and was quite impressed.

Aana - 08/20/98 01:34:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/baja/dunes/9737
My Email:ldyford4x4@hotmail.com

Thanks for visiting my page! I look forward to seeing your Expy in action. I can say I've only seen those things on the road...anyway, if you wanna catch some air, go out and find some waterbars. Those are the best. I went over one at 25+ mph...no dama e! Fords ARE built tough!

catherine(short 'n sassy) - 07/04/98 03:59:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/fashionavenue/7724
My Email:fiesty35@yahoo.com
What's your favorite area here??: personal info

hi there*S* told you i would visit and here i am*S* nice page. i enjoy finding out about the people i meet in chathouse and i always sign the books of the places i visit*S*.....feel free to visit my page too, and don't forget to sign!!!*LOL* hope to talk with you aga n.......sassy

Kayce - 06/19/98 01:21:38
My Email:kayce_brook@yahoo.com
What's your favorite area here??: The monkeys

You need a pic of you!

WIDE OPEN/Barry - 04/29/98 09:51:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/5345/index.htm
My Email:bfast@ridgecrest.ca.us
What's your favorite area here??: ALL

Hey Therm......Keep puttin up more stuff!!!!.....I need to steal it!..*LOL*..see ya in the tunnel.....^5s

diane - 04/19/98 17:39:33
My Email:deedle_l@hotmail.com

hi, nice chatting with you.
SNOWY - 03/24/98 06:47:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/5056/
My Email:snowy_co@hotmail.com

Hi saw you in the tunnel and visited your homepage. great job you did on it. see you around sometime so we can talk about submarines and such. :*)

Sar - 03/12/98 01:14:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach//Lights/9774
My Email:sarine@rocketmail.com
What's your favorite area here??: the wiggling monkey..

Hi Thermo... *BS*.. What an interesting site you have got here.. I was very pleased and will look forward to the improvements... Sar

Thomas Coleman - 03/08/98 18:01:05
My Email:tcolema1@ix.netcom.com
What's your favorite area here??: Thermomonkey

Looks great ....... keep up the good work

Sweet Green Eyes (Stacey) - 01/30/98 05:23:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Union/3962
My Email:roger@superior.net

I enjoyed looking through your pages..Nicely done..Stop by my site and tell me what you think..*S*

kelie 'krazyQ' brian - 01/22/98 02:42:37
My Email:krazy3755@yahoo.com

hello!!! nice name!!! but who are you???

Chris Coleman - 01/21/98 03:01:22
My Email:Thermomonkey@yahoo.com
What's your favorite area here??: Floyd

Sorry guys, just had too. He he he he he

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