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Wanna know your own birthpet?
According to Chinese customs to indicate the year, every twelve years can be named respectively by twelve kinds of animals, such that everyone has a birthpet which indicates the year he was born. Wanna see which pet belongs to you? Please enter your birthyear like "1978".
For information on your chinese birthpet: Rat |Ox |Tiger |Rabbit |Dragon |Snake |Horse |Goat |Monkey |Rooster |Dog |Pig| or visit Chinese Zodiac
Have you ever wondered who won the Super Bowl in what year?
Well then just type in a number 1-32, click process and it will tell you who won, who lost, and what year it was !
**Note : You have to a Java Compatible Browser for this to work !**
The winner of that Super Bowl was the: The loser was the: The year was:
Quote Generator!!
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If a set is not listed below, it's value is 0 meaning you lose nothing more than the 1 dollar to play.
SET VALUE XXX -5 X©X -1 X$X -1 X$$ +1 ©©X +1 X©© +1 ©X© +1 $$X +2 $©$ +2 $X$ +2 ©$© +2 ©$$ +3 $©© +3 $$© +4 ©©$ +4 ©©© +5 $$$ +10
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world class
continuously improving
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© Dorothy (Sara) Hancock
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