Table of Contents

Contents Internet Drug Information for Pharmacists: the Basics Limitations of Internet Drug Information
Navigating to Useful Sitesxxxxxxxxxxxxx Assessing Content of Medical Information on the WWW Searchable Drug Information Databases
General Pharmacy Sites Health-Care Professional Orientated Drug Information Sites Consumer-Orientated Drug Information Sites
Directories and Search Engines Health News On-line Journals

Free Pharmacy CE on the Internet:

Table of Contents: up arrow Back to top

Internet Drug Information for Pharmacists: The Basics up arrow Back to top

The Internet can be an excellent source of drug information for patients and health care professionals. This document focuses on the the Internet service available via the World Wide Web (WWW). To view background information on the Internet and the WWW, visit: The Basics of Server Technology.

It is helpful for pharmacists to become familiar with the types of on-line drug information available, how to navigate to those sources, recognize the limitations of available sources, and evaluate if the accessed information is reliable. Knowing what information consumers are accessing on the Internet, and knowing the scope of information available to enhance knowledge of current and changing practices in pharmacy can aid the pharmacist in delivering pharmaceutical care.


Limitations: up arrow Back to top

In general, Internet resources are used in addition to standard references due to current limitations.

To view background information on the Internet and the World Wide Web, visit: The basics of server technology.


Navigating to Useful Sites on the WWW up arrow Back to top

Imagine walking into the world's largest library and all of the pages from all of the books are in one huge pile on the floor. How could you find the information you came to find? This is similar to what you could experience when looking for information on the Internet. Instead of papers on the floor, the documents are scattered in computers all over the world.2 The tools that help you find what you came looking for are search engines. Search engines are software tools that help the user look for documents using a specific subject or key word.

Directories are are lists of WWW sites that are filtered by the editor or reviewer. Directories are more likely to point to relevant WWW sites than an index. However, directories categorize only a small amount of countless documents available on the WWW. Directories usually only become aware of new sites when notified by the author. They are ideal for becoming familiar with a new topic.

Indexes are extremely large databases of Web pages that are gathered by search engines. When you query a search engine, you are really querying the database, not the Internet. Each search engine is set up slightly different, therefore, they do not necessarily return the same results. It is best to experiment and determine which search engine best meets your needs.

Below are a listing of selected Directories and Search Engines. You will also find a listing of selected sites for general Pharmacy/ Medical information for both Consumers and Health-Care Professionals to help you get started.


Assessing Content of Medical Information up arrow Back to top

As with any type of drug information search, the information you retrieve is only as good as the data in the system and the quality of the search used to find and retrieve that data.5

The following core standards can be used as a framework to assess content credibility of information on the WWW:3

For information about medical quackery on the Internet, visit QuackWatch.


Citation Format up arrow Back to top

Citations for WWW pages generally include the author's name, title of the work, medium, posting date, and full Internet address. For example, a citation for this web page would be:

Consumer-Focused Health Internet Sites up arrow Back to top

Medical / Pharmacy Information up arrow Back to top

Educational/ Tutorials

Specialty Areas


General Pharmacy / Misc. Links up arrow Back to top


Searchable Drug Databases up arrow Back to top

Directories up arrow Back to top


Directories: More Advanced


Search Engines up arrow Back to top


Search Engines: More Advanced

up arrow Back to top

Author: Dorothy (Sara) Hancock, RPH (link to CV)

Disclosure: This web page is not sponsored, underwritten, or supported by any organization. There is no commercial funding arrangements or support. There is no financial arrangement of the author to any of the links listed. It is a personal web page of the above author posted solely for sharing information with fellow web browsing pharmacists.

Last Modified 5/10/98

Referencesup arrow Back to top

  1. Glowniak JV. Medical resources on the Internet. An Intern Med 1995; 123:123-131.
  2. Peters R, Sikorski R. Navigating to knowledge. JAMA 1997; 277:505-6. (
  3. Silberg WM, Lundberg GD, Musacchio RA. Assessing, controlling and assuring the quality of medical information on the Internet: caveant lector et viewor - let the reader and viewer beware. JAMA 1997; 277: 1244-5. (
  4. Davis LE, Arndt TS. On-line sources of drug information in oncology. Highlights In Oncology Practice 1997; 15(2)26-41.
  5. Gordon BM. The search for tornadoes, corsets, and queens (or how to find just about anything on the Net). Nutrition in Clinical Practice 1997; 12:190-191.
  6. Breeck K, Lampitt W. First Steps: A Basic Introduction to the Internet for Physicians. Web Doctor Journal 1997 (
  7. Breeck K, Lampitt W. Taming the Web: A Practical Guide to Internet Medical Resources. Web Doctor Journal 1997 (
  8. Breeck K, Lampitt W. Working with the Internet-literate patient. Web Doctor Journal 1997; 2(3) (

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