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Lucretia B's Cookbook has moved. Lucretia has been working on many accessory projects, including, Soap Naturally Web and Mailing List, Soap Naturally (book) - Ingredients, methods and recipes for natural handmade soap, Soap Box Corner, Burton Law Firm, and many others. The new version of Lucretia B's Amazing International Cookbook will be announced at one or all of those Websites.

Brand NEW on the Internet, an International Cookbook in 2 languages!    English

Il Ricettario di Lucretia B ha traslocato. Lucretia continua a lavorare su progetti nuovi e accessori, compresi, Soap Naturally Web and Mailing List, Soap Naturally (book) - Ingredients, methods and recipes for natural handmade soap, Soap Box Corner, Burton Law Firm, e molti altri. La nuova versione del glorioso Ricettario Internazionale di Lucretia B verrĂ  annunciata sui siti sopra elencati.

Mai visto prima su Internet: un ricettario internazionale bilingue!    Italiano

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