I'm really happy you decided to sign, or to view, my Guestbook !
sono sempre stato incuriosito da MZ Bradley ma non ho ancora letto nulla.
Le tue ricette invece mi piacciono molto, sono goloso e ambisco a prepararle.
Wonderful pages! I'd love to try out some of your recipes, esp. Sweetbread with Nuts - the picture made my mouth water! I live in Italy too (2 years), allthough I am Norwegian at birth. My Italian is not so good, yet...
And, like you I am a cat lover! We have four of them at home and one of them has his own homepage: http://web.tiscalinet.it/arachne/alberto.htm
I hope you will visit his pages as well as my Darkover Encyclopedia URL above.
Line in Prato
congratulations! your site is very nice and you
are funny! a kiss and good luck little Eowin..
antonio from the south land of ita
uffa,io adoro Darkover, ho letto e riletto tutto,
l'ho sognato e risognato,ma non so l'inglese!!!
non c'é niente in italiano?
...sarebbe bello capire un cavolo di inglese, anche se sono 4 anni che lo studio...cmq...ciao....
I am very surprised what your presentation is based on. However this has favoured my getting in touch with you.
Best regards
Puoi curare la tua allergia ai gatti prendendone uno da piccolo con il pelo corto però.
Starnutirai un po' all'inizio e ti gratterai e lacrimerai, ma per un gatto vale la pena!!!!!
Pian piano guarirai.
wonderfull site!
Ehi! Hai un sito davvero carino! Anche io come te adoro i mici, ho due gattine a casa, Luna e Zara, a cui voglio un gran bene!
Vieni a visitare il mio sito se hai tempo, ci terrei molto! sono un'appassionata di Versailles no Bara e le mie pagine sono dedicate proprio a questo.
Al momento sto aggiornando per cui se troverai dei link fuori uso è per questo motivo.
A presto
Image Gallery di micetti ^_^
I love yor pages, especially for THE CATS. I am a cats lover and to know that exists persons like me, I mean who loves cats so much, makes me so happy. Cats are my reason to live, I love them like crazy. Sometimes I think I was a cat in my other life or i
this, I was born from a cat. I have six cats in my home, their names are: Louis, Lantis, Colicorti, Romana, Axa and Ranma. ( and Ranma reciently had four beautiful and lovely little kitties, If you were here and could I give you one as a gift, the one yo
choose ). I had own so many cats in my life, since I was a baby...I lost the count.
My other passion are the japanese manga and anime like Lady Oscar, The slayers, Ranma 1/2, Saint Seiya, Magic Knight Rayearth, GS Mikami, Zenki, Sailor Moon, RG Veda, Wedding peach, Megami paradise, Dragon Half, Pokémon, Samurai X (Rurouni kenshin or batu
ai), etc, and of course the CLAMP works.
I am a chilean designer and I send you my best wishes and love. Write me if you want. See you.
(From Chile, in Southamerica)
Il sito è molto è molto spontaneo e carino, complimenti!
Tanti saluti da una ragazza che, come te, ama i gatti ma è allergica. EEEECCIII!!! (salute!)
Mi piacerebbe conoscerti, scrivimi un messaggio se vuoi, e così anche tutte le altre persone con lo stesso amore per i mici ma lo stesso problema.
mi piace la tua pagina di gatti! spero che mi scrivi al piu' presto.
They are so bright and cheery! Nice to wake up to in the morning!!
Do you want to hear Roberta Rogow's filk song about the Laran? If so, please visit my page!
I loved your pages! I saved bunches of recipes to take home and share with my sisters and my children(and my freemate, maybe!) Your pages are beautiful!
I gatti sono perfetti?
Si! Per pulire il parabrezza!
Con simpatia :)
I've enjoyed them. I'm sorry you can't have real cats with you, they're a joy. Mine are sisters named Chica and Roxy. I really enjoy Darkover, and also Mercedes Lackey's books.
Ci sono finita per tutt'altri motivi...però l'ho trovata molto carina visto che amo i mici e che li tengo!!
very interesting page
although i found being in england and therefore no longer being able to get most books (except recently since i came on line) ment that i was at a disadvantage with many of the questions. if u can`t get a book how can i answer some of those questions.
Che dirti ? Che quasi quasi ne approfitto per farti una dichiarazione pubblica davanti a tutti...
Pero' non ti arrabbiare eh...
Guarda che non sono tanto contento se mi confondi con qualcun altro ...
Spero tu non abbia dubbi
comunque e' molto carino anche il sito !!! (oltre a te ovviamente...)
Son passato a dare un occhiata generale al tuo sito, specialmente alle ricette...proverò a fare "sweet rice"! Complimenti davvero!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sei stata bravissima a mettere in piedi tutto sto ambaradan...continua che vai alla grande! ciao
I really like your cat pictures. They're very cute. And I'm going to try out some of the recipes from the Sweetshop. :)
I really like them. I hope you don't mind me signing...I'm a male. I just started reading Darkover a few months ago on the recommendation of a friend and she also sent me some URL's to look at. : )
on Island © ist nun meine Heimat
ein Narr wer sie noch nicht gesehen hat
Klicke nun auf diesen Button
die Reise geht recht schnell von statten
Ein netter Gruß von hier nach da
Das war's ersteinmal - Shana
Hi, I'm a german girl. I live near to Düsseldorf and I am 34 years old and I love the world of darkover. Last year I decided to be a amazone and it was the best idea of my life. Now I live alone with my son and I hope to find some other friends of darkove
. I am sorry about my english, it's not so good.
Thank you for making the pages, they are very interesting and I enjoy them very much.
All love
Beeeeeeellllla!!!! Checcarini i micini!!! MIAO MIAO!!! Bella bella! Ah non me l'aspettavo veramente!!!!
Breda!! : ) From the Guildhouse, my feet followed the path to your shop, and the smells of your creations drew me in. What a delightful place!! I've very much enjoyed browsing and may even try my hand at your Redberry Cake... although I know it won't m
tch the wonder of yours.. ; D ~hug~ See you at the Guildhouse : )
Ciao Laura, sono iscritta anch'io all'ANIC forse avrai letto qualche mio msg sulla ml, ho visitato la tua Home page e mi è piaciuta un sacco ^_____^
a presto da Katia
I love them! I adore bonbons and all that!
It's nice to see a sister doing well for herself :)
Angharad n'ha Cerridwen
lovely pages!
greetings from the dream temple of kandayata to you, dearest sister!
love and light to you -
Cindy - 09/09/98 06:06:36 My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy My Email:elalla@hotmail.com comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
This is so great! All this Darkover stuff, plus sweets as well. What more could any rational being ask for? Well done!!!
I think your pages are great. I also think we have alot in common as far as Sci-fi goes. I too love cats (although the ones I like are the big ones especially Tigers) I love Dragon Lance & Forgotten Realms books but my all time favourite author would have
to be Marion Zimmer Bradley. I have not read a book of hers I did not Love! I can't get my hands on enough MZB books! Keep up the good work!
Hi sister!
Nice page.
I only want to add my traces, I was here. :-)
Greetings to all Darkover-Lovers and to all my sisters!
Ciao!! Scommetto che non te l'aspettavi, e invece eccomi qua. La tua pagina è molto più bella di quando l'ho vista la prima volta...Complimenti!!
Sei stata bravissima !!!
I miei complimenti, forse piu' che la giornalista scientifica dovresti metterti a fare pagine Web
Un salutone grossissimo
If you want to hear Roberta Rogow's mp3 song about the Laran, please visit my page.
Ancora tu...ma non dovevamo vederci piu'?
Ancora tu...ma non dovevamo vederci piu'?
Everything looks great. I even visited the Italian homepage this time (by accident). I didn't understand one bit of it though.
Love Eliadha
1,2,3, prova
Rakhail - 06/23/98 12:17:58
My Email:
Hi, cousin! Like your pages.
Jaelle n'ha Gilla - 06/19/98 20:31:07
Greetings Sister! You page has grown since I've last been here. Congrats! I love it and I'm still longing for the turkish delight (not so much for the chocolate ;-)) Love Jaelle
Marilla - 06/15/98 16:52:22
My Email:
Sweetest pages I've visited in a while. Keep the good work. I couldn't resist. It tasted delicious! Promise we'll try to keep banshees away but it will be a hard task. May Evanda and Evarra bless you!
Jorik Hastur - 06/13/98 16:50:03
Ciao! Finalmente ho trovato il tempo di visitare le tue pagine aggiornate... Vuoi la mia ricetta della panna cotta? ^_^; (Sì. L'erede di Hastur cucina talvolta! ^_^) Jurij
Diego Storn - 06/09/98 20:58:03
Leisha, your Sweet Shop makes me wish I could come back to Thendara safely. Adelandeyo. Diego
Cormel Rockraven - 06/08/98 17:59:07
Messaggio che usavo ieri per provare (inutile dire che ha funzionato solo quando mi ero stufato di riscriverlo ^_^) Ti ho detto che la tua home page è fatta molto bene? Se non l'ho fatto lo faccio adesso... e spero che ora sia a posto anche il gues
Lady Mabry of Aldaran - 06/07/98 22:15:49
My Email:
You've been doing a great job. I'd like to order lots of chocolate, but make sure it isn't the same kind you gave Marcello!
Eliadha n'ha Ardana - 06/07/98 21:06:06
I finally got the chance to see all your pages and not just Leisha's Sweetshop. Even though I'm more a dog than a cat person, I liked your opening page. I must say I was amused by your Elyan picture. You're right that no Renunciate in her right mind would
ever wear anything like that. Well, gotta go now. Oh, I almost forgot. You might want to change either the background or the font color on your "View Guestbook" page. It's hard to read anything and the colors are also hard on the eyes. Love, Eliadha PS Do
't forget to check out the new improved layout of Eliadha's Books and let me know what you think.
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