Leisha's RPG page


In this page you will find the links to the adventures that the members of the Darkover-Lovers Mailing List wrote together.

For further information about our Role Playing Game, go and take a look at Neskaya Tower (where Myria gave each character his/her own page), and at the Damien's Darkover RPG page: you'll find many useful pieces of information about creating a character. You'll read also the Roll Calls for the existing characters, both Playing (PC) and Not Playing (NPC) ones.

If you're curious to know how each list member is related to the others, click here, and you'll have our family trees, bravely collected by the First Technician of Dalereuth Tower, dom Piedro Aillard-Syrtis (also known as the Fool of Valeron Plains).

I am currently playing two characters, which Roll Calls I'm too lazy to post in my page…so, if you are curious, you can take a look here for Rafael, and here for Leisha.

There's something in my site, anyway: meet Leisha n'ha Ursula and Rafael Lindir!

A few days ago, another playing character joined the Lindir family: meet Anya, Rafe's little sister!

Here you can find Leisha's and Rafe & Anya's family trees.

Now, are you ready to read?

The stories are listed in chronological order

Leisha and Mabry's adventures: the Stormqueen, the Avarra matrix, a proud Renunciate and a bratty Domain Heiress.

A new Regent to Aldaran: the thick correspondence between Mabry and her Regent-to-be. First time on the scene for Rafael Lindir!

Aldaran Readmittance: the exhausting Council Session in which Rafael's regency was discussed.

After the Council: Public Relations for the Regent to Aldaran.

Amazons, Comyns and birds: what happened to Leisha after she parted from Mabry.

Searching for Lenni: who's the mother of little Kyril?

The Ball: do I need to explain what is it about? J

Still at the Ball: the Ball goes on.

Leisha's ball: when a Renunciate gets invited by a Comyn Lord…

Rafe and Eliadha: after the Ball. Warning! X-rated!!

Mabry and Jorik: the night after the Ball.

Back to Comyn Castle: Rafael Lindir has to cope with his responsibilities.

Will Eliadha forgive Rafe? Last meeting for the hottest couple on Darkover? Warning! X-rated!!

Mabry's flight: the young Lady to Aldaran is quite annoyed by both her Regents attitude.

Looking for Mabry: Will Rafael manage to reach his Lady, and lead her back safe and sound?

At Corandolis: Rafael has to deal with his Lady and with her former Regent

Friends' meeting: Rafe, Mabry and Diego meet the Yellow Forest group.

Reptiles: there's more than a kind of snake.

Congratulatia at Leisha's: The "future Queen of all Darkover" visits her old friend from their days at Arilinn.

Congratulatia searches for help: Darkover most beautiful platinum blonde pleads for help into the Hellers. Diego and Regis, beware!

The road to Neskaya: romance and adventures for the Lady Aldaran and her young Regent (follows Friends' meeting)

Sharra's lust: when a goddess falls in love with a mortal man… X-rated!!

At Neskaya Tower: is Mabry's training finally beginning? (continues in At Neskaya-Part II)

At Neskaya-Part II: a new menace for Mabry…

A Co-regent's job: Rafe's back "home" …at Aldaran

Life at Aldaran: letters and visits in Castle Aldaran. Follows A Co-regent's job

Anya's off to Neskaya: Rafe's little sister for the first time on the scene.

Edelweiss Party: Leisha's best custom is giving a party at her estate.

Neskaya gets crowded: why does everyone seems to be going to Neskaya?

Rakhail and Leisha: Leisha and her cousin head towards Dalereuth.

Other stories are collected at:

Adventures from the Darkover-Lovers RPG

Eliadha's Books

Jaelle's Darkover and whereabouts

Neskaya Tower

Would you like to subscribe, and take part to our game too?

Write a message to listproc@darkover.org, with an empty subject, and a body consisting of


Important notice: due to server problems, this list had begun not to work properly.

So we decided to move to another list, and Piedro Aillard Syrtis set two different new lists:

[darkover-lovers-l]: which is meant to be what the old Darkover-Lovers list used to be:

a list for discussing MZB and her universe.

[darkover-rpg-l]: which is meant for pure Role Playing

You can still subscribe to the old DL mailing list, but if you want to be a member of the new ones, you'll find the information you're looking for at Dalereuth…just be sure to scroll waaay down the screen! ;-)

The curiosity corner…Would you like to share with me the bits of Darkover that I found on our planet?

Would you like to know how much you've been contaminated by the planet of the Red Sun? Answer to the Purity Test!

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The Sweetshop | Other Darkover pages | Leisha n'ha Ursula | Rafael Lindir|

| Darkover and Terra | Darkover Purity Test

No profit is gained from this site; this site is intended solely as an informational site for the fans of Marion Zimmer Bradley and her work.
All references to Darkover, its inhabitants, etc. are copyright © of M. Z. Bradley.

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