The Fat Free Cook

A simple resource of no added fat recipes that will keep you slim, trim, and healthy. 

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brdwaitr.wmf (2350 bytes)

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You will need no special skills to make any of these recipes.  They are equally easy and delicious.  You may not be used to the texture and "mouth feel" of fat free cooking.  It is an acquired taste.  However, until you make the effort to prefer this option, you will have to tolerate all the other disadvantages of a high fat diet.



NapaCL.gif (3551 bytes)

Also visit my WallStreet Website, "A Guide to the Small Business Administration".

I am here to help so feel free to E-Mail me or page me via ICQ.

This NapaValley Community Leader Webring site is owned by
Kent Campbell.

Thanks for coming to my Non Fat Cooking page. Write me if you have any questions or if I can help you in any way.
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