Michelle's Baby Shower
The kids made a special gift for Michelle in their art class and it took about a month. Not one of them slipped and mentioned the surprise to her. Even the shower was a complete surprise, they never let on about that either.
Look at all the pretty wrapped presents.
Here she is reading a card signed by all of her students.
She had tears in her eyes when she opened this gift that was made by the kids.
It is a baby quilt with each square made by one of the kids. They did this in art class during several classes and then it was all put together by Collin's moms.
Even Dad-to-be got to enjoy everything too. He wanted to know why a little baby is going to need ALL those diapers. Guess they will soon find out.
She even got a baby pillow made by Bryan & his mom.
Good Luck Michelle & Todd
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