Eisenhower Ski/Snowboard Club
Dear Parents and Skiers/Snowboarders:

Eisenhower Middle/High School, in conjunction with Alpine Valley, will be offering the opportunity for your son/daughter to participate in the New Berlin Ski/Snowboard Club. The cost for all trips which includes club pass, six trips, one free lesson and transportation via bus will be:

$153.00 add $90.00 for rental if needed.  If you have a season pass you can ride the bus for $8.00 each club night.

The Ski/Snowboard Club will be skiing on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday nights from 3:30 until 8:00 starting on Wednesday, December 17th and on the following Tuesdays, January 6th and Feb 10th  and on the following Thursdays, January 15, January 29 and February 5th. Make up day on February 18th.  We should return to Eisenhower by 8:30 p.m. Please be at Eisenhower at this time to pick up your child.

Click on the links to download this letter in full and for rates, waivers a
nd applications.

Click on the links to download forms:
Club Intro Letter
Ski/Snowboard Club Rates
Club Application (needs parent signature)
Alpine Valley Waivr (needs parent signature)
Contact me with any questions:
Sharon Hagen
Email: smurfie93@yahoo.com
Search Eisenhower Ski/Snowboard Club to join facebook group.
If you are going to Alpine on Wednesday you must call me ASAP if you have not turned in your forms yet.  Thank you!