June Meyer’s Authentic
Hungarian Heirloom
Recipes Cookbook

Here is an alphabetical list of the 95 recipes included in my Cookbook
English Name (Hungarian Name)

1. Angel Wings Fry Cookies (Csoroge)
2. Apple Cake, Hungarian (Apfel kuchen)
3. Apple Strudel (Almasretes)
4. Apricot and Prune Fillings (Lekvar)
5. Beef Pot Roast with Vegetables (Zoldseges dinsztelt marhahus)
6. Beef Soup (Marha husleves)
7. Bismarck Doughnuts (Fank)
8. Butter Balls or Little Pillows
9. Cabbage and Noodles (Haluska)
10. Calfs Liver with Onions and Vinegar (Hagymas borjumaj ecetesmartassal)
11. Cauliflower or Broccoli, Hungarian Style (Magyaros karfiol vagy brakoli)
12. Cheese Filling (Turos toltelek)
13. Chicken and Rice (Rizses csirke aprolek)
14. Chicken Paprika Stew with Tomato (Paprikas csirkeporkolt paradicsommal)
15. Chicken Paprikas (Csirkepaprikas)
Chicken Soup (Csirkeleves) or (Tyukleves) - FREE SAMPLE RECIPE
17. Coffee Cake (Aranygaluska)
18. Cole Slaw (Kaposztsalata)
19. Cream Cheese Cookies with Lekvar filling, Hungarian
20. Cucumber Relish
21. Cucumber Salad with Sour Cream (Tejfeles uborkasalata)
22. Dill Potato Salad (Kapros krumplisalata)
23. Dill Sauce for Meat or Poultry (Kapormartas hushoz vagy szarnyashoz)
24. Dill Sun Pickles
25. Egg Coffee, Hungarian
26. Egg Noodles (Tojas teszta)
27. Farina and Noodles (Galuska es dara)
28. Farina Dumplings (Daragaluska)
29. Fried Chicken (Sultcsirke)
30. Goulash (Gulyasleves)
31. Green Bean Soup (Zoldbableves)
32. Green Beans with Dill (Kapros zoldbabfozelek)
33. Green Tomato Relish
34. Gypsy Bacon (Ciganyszalonna) or (Zigeunerspeck)
35. Hamburgers (Labdapecsenye)
36. Hot Bacon Potato Salad (Sultszalonnas krumplisalata)
37. Hot Lettuce Salad with Bacon (Meleg salata szalonnaval)
Hot Paprika, Tomato, Onion & Pepper Condiment (Lecso) - FREE SAMPLE RECIPE
39. Jellied Pigs Feet (Kocsonyas sertescsulok)
40. Kaiser Schmarren (Czaszar morzsa)
41. Kalachki (Theresa Jerger’s Kalachkis)
42. Kidney Stew (Veseporkolt)
43. Kipfels or Horseshoes (Grandma Jerger’s Kipfels)
44. Kipfels, Hungarian (Grandma Leptich’s Kipfels)
45. Lentil Soup (Lencseleves)
46. Linzerteig Cookies, Hungarian
47. Liptauer Cheese Spread
Liver Dumplings (Majgomboc) - FREE SAMPLE RECIPE
49. Mashed Potatoes, Hungarian Style (Magyaros tojasos krumplipure)
50. Nut Nugget Cookies, Hungarian
51. Pancakes, Hungarian (Palacsinta)
52. Parsley Stuffing for Chicken, Turkey or Veal
53. Pecan and Butter Pretzel Coffee Cake
54. Plum Cakes (Gwetche kuchen) or (Szilvaslepeny)
55. Plum Dumplings (Szilvas gomboc)
56. Poppy Seed Moon Strudel (Makosbeigli)
57. Pork Roast with Onion Gravy, Caraway Sauerkraut and Dumplings
Pot Roast, Hungarian Style (Fott marhahus) - FREE SAMPLE RECIPE
59. Potato Cakes (Langos) or (Krumplislangos)
60. Potato Dumplings, Modern
61. Potato Soup (Krumplileves)
62. Potatoes and Dumplings with Bread crumbs (Morzsaott krumpliss gomoc)
63. Quick Filled Coffee Cake
64. Raisin Rolled Strudel
65. Rivilchas or Tarhonya for Soup
66. Roast Chicken or Turkey (Csirke-vagy pulykasult)
67. Sauerkraut and Pork (Szekely gulyas)
68. Sausage, Hungarian (Kolbasz)
69. Smoked Beef Tongue (Fustolt marhanyelv)
70. Smoked Butt in Brown Sugar (Fustolt sertesfar nyerscukorban)
71. Sonya Henne Cookies
72. Sour Cherry Soup (Meggyleves)
73. Sour Cream and Horse-Radish Sauce (Tejfeles tormamartas)
74. Sour Cream Cole Slaw (Tejfeles kaposztasalata)
75. Sour Cream Potato Salad (Tejfeles krumplisalata)
76. Spaetzle or Little Dumplings
77. Spice Cookie (Mushkazone)
78. Spinach, Hungarian Style (Magyaros spenotfozelek)
79. Split Pea Soup (Sargaborsoleves)
80. Sticky Chicken (Uveg)
81. Streusel Coffee Cake (Streusel kuchen)
82. Stuffed Cabbage (Sorma) or (Toltottkaposzta)
83. Stuffed Green Peppers (Toltottpaprika)
84. Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup, Hungarian Style (Paradicsomos kaposztaleves)
85. Sweet and Sour Red Cabbage (Edes-savanyu voroskaposzta)
86. Tomato Salad, Hungarian Style (Paradicsomsalata)
87. Tomato Sauce (Paradicsommartas)
88. Tomato Soup (Paradicsomleves)
89. Translyvania Krumbumballe (An Old Hungarian Cold Cure)
90. Trickle Egg Noodles
91. Walnut filling for Cookies
92. Walnut Graham Cracker Torta (Diostorta)
93. Walnut Rolled Strudel (Diosbeigli)
94. Wiener Schnitzel or Veal Cutlets (Becsiszelet)
95. Zucchini Squash with Dill (Tokfozelek)

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Authentic Hungarian Heirloom Recipe
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