Bruce Brock

When the name Bruce Brock comes up his fans instantly think of a talented guitar player, song writer, singer, and a big teddy bear of a guy. Bruce loves a good joke and his family is always in his heart and mind.

The biggest influence in his career is his cousin Ronny Vann, who died of leukemia at the young age of 26. Ronny Vann had played guitar professionally.

Bruce got his first guitar at the age of 8. Soon after he was performing in school talent shows. All through his teenage years Bruce played in bands. He proudly remembers playing at the Willie Nelson picnic at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas at 14.

He went to Hardin-Simmons University on a music scholarship and met "the coolest drummer ever", Steve Linder. Together they would form "Bogart" and now "Linder & Brock"

Bruce Brock was born November 26th. He collects American Indian paraphenalia. Bruce loves Elvis, The Marx Brothers, Charley Chaplin and Harley Davidson Motorcycles. He is a major Dallas Cowboys Fan! His favorite foods are Cheetos and Mochas. He thanks his wife Alene and children, Shaun, Jamie and Shannon for their love and support that allow him to pursue a career that he truly loves.

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