
This page will be maintained and updated as information is made available until all AMERICAN PERSONNEL are either walking on or planted in AMERICAN SOIL.

Joe Lynn Delong

What is known about Joe's last mission?

NAME: Joe Lynn DeLong
UNIT: Company B, 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division
DATE OF BIRTH: June 18, 1947
HOME CITY OF RECORD: McMinnville, Tennessee
DATE OF LOSS: May 18, 1967
COUNTRY OF LOSS: South Vietnam
LOSS COORDINATES: 135013N 1073039E (YA713310)
STATUS (in 1973): Prisoner of War

LOCATION ON "THE WALL": Panel 20E Row 020

OTHER PERSONNEL IN INCIDENT: None missing, but held with men from at least two other incidents. In the spring of 1973, 591 American Prisoners of War were released from prisons and camps in Vietnam. Among then were six of nine U.S. 4th Infrantry Division personnel captured in and near Pleiku Province, South Vietnam during the year of 1967 whose lives had been intertwined for the past six years. All had belonged to that part of the "IVY DIVISION" which was assigned to Task Force Oregon conducting border operations. Here is their story.

FEBRUARY 17, 1967
David W. Sooter

July 12, 1967
Martin S. Frank
Nathan B. Henry
Cordine McMurray
Stanley A. Newell
Richard R. Pericone

James F. Schiele
James L. Van Bendegom

FEBRUARY 17, 1967

David W. Sooter was the only man captured from a OH23 Helicopter downed at the southeastern edge of Kontum Province near the edge of Pleiku Province and near the Cambodian border.

MAY 18, 1967

PFC Joe Lynn DeLong was the machine gunner for his company, on a company-sized patrol in Rotanokiri Province, Cambodia. (NOTE: most records list this loss as in South Vietnam and coordinates place it in the IaDrang Valley, Pleiku Province, South Vietnam near the border of Cambodia, but U.S. Army casualty reports state the the loss was in Kotankiri Province, Cambodia.) While on patrol, his unit was hit by a Viet Cong force of unknown size and cut off from the rest of the company. They formed a defensive perimeter and attempted to hold their position. Later that day, at about 1800 hours their their position was overrun. The next morning, another unit reached their position, and was able to account for all platoon members except for Delong. It was later learned that DeLong had been captured.

July 12, 1967

Nearly two months later, SP4 Frank, PFC Henry, SGT McMurray, PFC Newell, PFC Perricone, SP4 Schiele and PFC Van Bendegom, all members of Company B, 12th Infantry Division, 4th Infantry Division, were conducting a search and destroy mission along the Cambodian border when their position was overrun by the Viet Cong. SP4 Schiele was seen by his platoon leader as his unit was forced to withdraw, leaving him behind. He had been hit a number of times in the legs and chest and was thought to be dead. Since there is no positive proof of death and SP4 Schiele's remains have not been returned, the U.S. Government placed him on a Missing in Action category.

PFC Van Bendegom was also wounded in the engagement, and was seen alive by other Americans captured in the same battle about one week after his capture at a communist field hospital in Cambodia, not far from his capture location. One of the released Americans was later told by the commanding North Vietnamese officer that SP4 Van Bendegom had died of his wounds. SP4 Van Bendegom was categorized as a Prisoner of War.

The other seven Americans were held in prison camps on the Vietmam/Cambodia border for several months. According to the debriefs of releasees Sooter and Perricone, they and DeLong had attempted to escape from a border camp in Cambodia on November 6, 1967 but were recaptured the same day. Two days later, they were shown what were said to be DeLongs bullet-ridden and blood-soaked trousers and told that DeLong had been killed resisting capture. The Vietnamese included DeLong's name on a list of prisoners who had died in captivity, did not return his remains, and did not offer any explaination.

Sooter, Frank, Henry, Perricone, McMurray and Newell were all released in 1973. An interesting note was that Frank was never known to be a prisoner. Henry was injured and maintains a permanent disability today. The U.S. is certain that the Vietnamese also know the fates of DeLong, Schiele and Van Bendegom, but the Vietnamese continue to remain silent.

Since the end of the war, only a few score of the remains the Vietnamese could provide have been returned to U.S. control. Each return of remains signals some political move by the Vietnamese. Strong moves towards normalization of relations began in the mid-80's, which most Americans would not oppose. As evidence mounts that hundreds of Americans are still held captive by these same governments the U.S. is rushing to befriend, many concerned Americans believe that in our rush to leave Indochina, we abandoned our best men. And that in our rush to return, we will sign their death warrants.

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to keep pushing this issue inside the Beltway (Washington D.C.)

The need to get specific answers is more important now than ever before. If still alive, some MIA's are now in their 70's, (Joe would be 50 on his upcoming birthday, June 18th) and they don't have much time left.

We have to demand the answers from the bureaucrats and keep standing on their necks (figuratively speaking) until the get the message that we are serious about getting these long overdue responses.

Diplomatic considerations aside.....we can no longer allow questionable protocols established by pseudo-aristocratic armchair strategists, to determine or influence the fate of the men who were in trenches while the diplomats were sharing sherry and canapes and talking about "Their Plans" for the future of South East Asia.

What about Joe's plans. Or James Schiele's plans. Or James Van Bendegom's plans. Or the plans of the other 2500 American service men and women we have abandoned there?


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This page created May 6, 1997

Last updated July 20, 1997

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