Welcome to Sharp´s homepage
It has been a while sice i updated this page, but now some new things are here.
Such as you can chat with me, when I'm online, trough this page. Ohter stuff
will come.
The chat room which the link below is refering to, is a chat room, how Jesus
works in the Faroe Islands (more about the Faroe Islands on next page). The
other chat room I chat in is on the Agape page. Hope to
see you there.
Thing on next page:
Agape, the chat room
Pictures from the Faroe Islands
About the Faroe Islands
About me
The chat room #Faroes
Christian music links
You are number to come to my page since October 18,1998.
Please e-mail me at sharp-faroes@usa.net
My ICQ uin is: 4136987, page me if you want to reach me.
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