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What kind of society do we live in that we would lawfully allow the butchering
of our unborn children? Frankly, it's a world I do not much care to be in. Can
you imagine that moment Jesus so carefully and wonderfully forms an unborn child,
perfect in every way, and he places that child inside a woman, only to watch
that baby be murdered? That is like taking a masterpiece that an artist has created,
and purposely destroying it with no regard to the value it has.

You may be here and agree with me about abortion, or you may disagree. Everyone
is entitled to an opinion, but on my page, my opinion is the only one you are going to see.

I have been pro-life since I knew about abortion. I became an even stronger
pro-life woman after having been pregnant and delivering a baby. From the moment
I knew I was pregnant, I was in awe at the beautiful life I was carrying so
safely inside of me. If I were not to protect this little child, then who!?! At
9 weeks I heard my little girl's heart beating. Tears came to my eyes, for
this was my little child, growing so amazingly inside my womb. I looked forward
to every doctor appointment, getting to hear that heart beat, once again reminding
me of a life that was inside of me. Alive since the moment it was conceived. Not
too far into the pregnancy, I started to feel that baby move with in me, oh what
a wondrous feeling. Here I was, just a woman, yet an amazing transformation was
occurring deep inside of me. I was just human, yet also a protector of life.
The little child living inside of me was totally dependent on me. Pregnancy has a
tendency to make a woman even more emotional, and that it did. I knew there was no
way I would, or could kill my child, yet I cried for the ones whose mothers either
did not care, or were lied to, or for whatever reason chose to end that life instead
of letting that baby get a chance to live.

You may say you are pro-choice, that a woman should get to choose what happens
to her body. If it were only the mother's body, then that might be a viable answer,
however, this little baby has its own body too. It is not just part of the mother.
It is a living, growing baby. Once a woman is pregnant, she already has a baby,
her choice is whether to have a dead baby or an alive baby.

I know going through pregnancy is hard work, but it is so rewarding. Feeling
that life grow inside of you...there just are no words to quite truly express that
wondrous feeling. Once that baby is born, he/she is a lot of work too, but again
so rewarding. If you do not want to raise a child, please let that child live, and
let somebody else love that child. Be a decent enough human to give that baby a chance.
There are so many people in this world aching to hold a child in their arms, but for
whatever reason are unable to conceive a child themselves. Make their dreams come
true, let that child have a chance to live, place the baby for adoption if you are
unwilling/unable to raise that child yourself.

I have heard people say that they could never place their child for adoption, they
couldn't stand not knowing where that child is, and what they are doing in life,
if they are ok. But if you have an abortion, you do get to know where that child is
at all times, because it is dead, murdered, the life blown out before it was ever
given a chance in this world. It doesn't make any sense to me, that someone would
rather they know their child is dead, than to not know that their child is
somewhere out there, alive.

Links to other pro-life sites on the Web

Pregnancy Centers Online
An Unborn's View From Heaven(poem)
Human Life Organization
Cradle of Hope(financial help for pregnant women)
Pro-life Action Ministries
Pro-life Minnesota
American Life League
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life

A Whole Page of Links
National Right To Life
Pirate Pete's Pro-life Page
Pro-life Action League
Pro-life Pages
Pro-woman, Pro-life
Rightgrrl, a Meeting Ground for Pro-Life Women
The Original Life Links
The Ultimate Pro-life Resource List
Pregnancy Centers Online
Good Girlz
Women Affirming Life
Partial Birth Abortion
Window to the Womb
Catholics United for Life

Roe v Wade

Pregnant? Think you might be?
Pregnancy Centers Online
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