This is one of our many displays of our collection.
We enjoy
pieces from all the manufacturers, as well as all the different
shades of colors.
Enjoy the following new pieces to our collection from Australia, Argentina and England.
Australian Shrike Master Bowl
Australian Swan Berry Bowl
Argentina Three Diamonds Marigold 3-pc. Tumble Up
Sowerby Daisy Block Rowboat
Marigold Headdress Bowl
Marigold Nesting Swan Bowl
Amethyst Scroll Embossed Plate
Butterfly & Tulip
Dugan Round Up Plate - Amethyst
Blue Peacocks
Peach Opalescent Pinched Rib Vase
Marigold Diamond & Sunburst Decanter & Wine Glasses
Moonstone Peacocks
Green Grape & Cable Candle Lamp & Vintage Epergne
Orphan Candle Stick Collage
Quarter Block Table Set
Millersburg Seacoast Pin Tray in Amethyst
Northwood Peacocks - Aqua Opalescent
Hatpins, Hatpin Holders, Jewelry, Purse, Buttons & More
Dugan's Marigold Brooklyn Bridge
Dugan's White Many Fruits Punch Bowl with Ruffled Base
Standard Vase
Marigold Grape & Cable Candle Lamp
Octagon Decanter & Wine Glasses by Imperial
One of the nice things about collecting carnival glass is the nice people you meet - whether it's on line, at a convention, or at a show. Two of the great people I've had the pleasure to meet are Glen & Steve Thistlewood from England. Glen & I have struck up a friendship that is rare. We've realized a kindred spirit between us. Glen's talents are numerous, her wisdom awe inspiring. She is the vision behind www.cga's premier commemorative piece, "Woodsland Pine" made by Fenton.
At our convention in Las Vegas in January, 1999, Glen presented me with a hand-colored original of the commemorative she designed. It touched my heart for her to present this to me. I've never had anything else professionally framed; this deserved it. So, below are a couple of pictures of Glen's talents.
(Sorry Steve..this is a 'Glen' thing! :) Steve is also quite accomplished in the photographic field and Glen & Steve have co-authored a book entitled, "Carnival Glass, The Magic & The Mystery" of which I have an autographed copy. Steve, from the look of my pictures, I think I need a lesson or two! It 'has' to be the camera - it can't possibly be me or the subject!:)
www.cga's Premier Commemorative, "Woodsland Pine" Collection
Blue Whimsey Plate
Sea Mist Green Spade-shaped Whimsey
Exterior Pattern of 1999 Commemorative, "Las Vegas 1999" hand-painted on the marie.
I may never have the opportunity to actually own a much coveted
Millersburg Court House bowl, but I have been to Millersburg and I have a picture of the REAL thing! :)
Check this out for more information on glass making. Included are pictures, explanations and descriptions of the glass making process.
Can anyone help ID this basket? It has glass pins holding
the handle; has cranberry flashed on the fruit; has a domed base.
Ed's great aunt gave this basket to us shortly after we were married.
It is presumed old. Many have wanted to buy it from us, but no one
can tell us about it! Thanks!
I enjoy collecting carnival glass club souvenirs. I think they are an important part of each club's history. I am interested in obtaining information on carnival glass club souvenirs. Please share any information you have with me about shapes, colors, years, convention location etc.
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