Richard S. Ewell (1817-1872)
- Born in Washington D.C. in 1817
- Graduated from West Point
- Fought on the Frontier and in the Mexican War
- Made it to the rank of Captain in the U.S. Army before he resigned
at the start of the Civil War to Join the Confederate Army
- Was Commissioned into the Confederate Army as a Colonel
- Was promoted twice in 1861, and again in 1863 to accend to Lt. General
- Commanded a division under Gen Stonewall Jackson
- Wounded at the Second Battle of Bull Run in August 1862 and didn't
return until May of 1863
- Assumed command of II Corps after the death of Stonewall Jackson
- Led the Army of Northern Virginia by pushing back the Union Army all
the way to Gettysburg, where he was stopped
- Fought in the Battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania Court House,
where he was wounded again
- Left command of II Corps after his wounding at Spotsylvania, to command
the Richmond defenses
- Captured at Sailor's Creek, Virginia, in 1865, by Gen Sheridan
- Released from captivity four months after the War
- Lived a private life in Tennessee until his death in 1872
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