Stonewall Jackson
General Stonewall Jackson was one of the Confederacy's most valuable
Generals. He is also where I got my middle name. Here are a few facts on
our Confederate Hero Stonewall Jackson.
- Born January 21, 1824 in Clarksburg Virginia (now West Virginia)
- Graduated from West Point in 1846
- Fought in Mexican War from 1846 to 1848
- Became an instructor at VMI in 1851
- Resigned from the US Army in 1852
- Left VMI to Join Confederacy in 1861 (Commissioned a Colonel)
- Earned his nickname Stonewall at the First Battle of Bull Run in 1861
- Defeated General N.P. Banks and two other Armies in 1862 outside Richmond
- Helped Lee defeat McClellan in the Seven Days' Battle
- Defeated Gen Pope in Aug 1862 winning the Second Battle of Bull Run
- Took Harpers Ferry in Lee's incursion of the North
- Saved the Army of Northern Virginia by coming to Lee's aid at Antietam
- Commanded the Armies right wing at the victory in Fredricksburg in
Dec 1862
- Saved the Army from disaster by launching a suprise attack on Gen Hooker
at Rappahannock
- Shot by his own troops, accidentally, at the Battle of Chancellorsville
on May 2, 1863
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