Braxton Bragg (1817-1876)
- Born in Warren County, North Carolina in 1817
- Graduated from West Point
- Fought in the Second Seminole War, and earned promotions for his outstanding
- Resigned from the U.S. Army in 1859
- Joined the Confederate Army, and commissioned as a Brig General
- Rose through the ranks to Full General and took command of the Army
of the Tennessee
- In August of 1862 he invaded Kentucky and almost took Louisville
- Fought Gen Rosecrans to a draw at the Battle of Stones River
- Defeated Rosecrans at the Battle of Chickamauga in September 1863
- Defeated Gen Grant at the Battle of Chattanooga
- Was made the Military advisor to Jefferson Davis In February of 1864
- Was put in command of the Department of North Carolina in November
of 1864
- Led an unsuccessful attack on Gen Sherman in Georgia
- Was assigned back to The Army of the Tennessee in February of 1865
- Was the Chief Engineer for the state of Alabama after the war
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