Nashville Community Leader Application
NOTICE!Community Leaders may be exposed to pornography, excessive profanity, and hatred against racial, ethnic and religious groups. This job is not to be taken lightly, it may take up 15 or more hours per week. If you are under the age of 18 we ask that you apply to the Nashville Jr. Community Leader Program.
Important!Before applying, make sure your site conforms to all Yahoo! GeoCities Please be sure to input your correct url and membername. Incorrect url or membername submissions will be removed from consideration. Also, we are considering your answer on this application about age to be truthful. If at any later time it is found out that your answer to age on this application was false you will be removed from the CL program and will not be allowed to reapply. We also ask that any new homesteader in the Nashville neighborhood refrain from signing up to become a Community Leader for at least a month after they move in. This will give you time to get your homepage up and running. Thanks! Samantha (driftin) Nashville Community Leader Liaison Last modified on January 18, 2000
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