Nashville Community Leader Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Nashville Community Leader. Please fill out this application, giving us as many details about your qualifications as you can. Put your best foot forward, this is like your resume for a job. These are the steps that the application process will follow: 
  1. Complete and submit the application below. You should receive confirmation that this completed successfully. 
  2. Your application will be presented to the current Community Leaders for consideration. They will review your site and your application then cast their vote. This step takes approximately a week. Results of the vote will be emailed to you. 
  3. If you are accepted, your name will be given to the Nashville Training Coordinator so that you can be enrolled in the next available training class. You will be emailed the necessary information. The training takes about 2 weeks and will be accomplished via email and the web. 
  4. Upon your successful completion of the training class, you will be recommended to the Nashville Liaison for admittance to the CL program. 


Community Leaders may be exposed to pornography, excessive profanity, and hatred against racial, ethnic and religious groups. This job is not to be taken lightly, it may take up 15 or more hours per week. If you are under the age of 18 we ask that you apply to the Nashville Jr. Community Leader Program.
  • Monitor specific blocks in your neighborhood (as specified by the Co-Liaison). You'll be looking for great sites, which you'll be able to nominate for the Best of Nashville Program; pages that don't meet the content guidelines, which you'll report to Yahoo! Geocities.
  • Act as a liaison between your neighbors. Your member name and e-mail address will be posted in a prominent place within the neighborhood, so everyone will know whom to contact if they have questions or problems. We encourage members to think of you as their primary resource, for everything from HTML problems to content guidelines to neighborhood themes. 
  • You also are required to  join one of Nashville's committees or become a mentor. 
  • Keep your own home page fresh and lively. If we're holding you out as leaders of the community, your own site should be a showcase. It doesn't have to be completely whiz-bang (although your fellow Community Leaders may be able to help you jazz it up), but it should be updated at least once a week. And it MUST conform to our content guidelines and to the theme of the Nashville neighborhood. If you're not sure if yours does, e-mail the Nashville Liaison for feedback. 
  • Recruit and nominate new Community Leaders by refering those who you think qualify to the Community Leader Application. You will also be asked to vote on applicants. 
  • You will be responsible for communicating with your fellow community leaders via email and in the CL Forum regarding Nashville neighborhood Business. In addition, please notify the Nashville Liaison when any change in your email address occurs. 
  • Probably some other things we haven't thought of yet, but we'll let you know when we do.
Problems? Questions? E-mail the Nashville Liaison. 


Before applying, make sure your site conforms to all Yahoo! GeoCities
Page Content Guidelines. Most frequent violations include using advertising banners that are not approved. This includes the Page Count banners that have a banner underneath a counter. The only sponsorship banners approved for Yahoo! GeoCities are the GeoGuide and Internet Link Exchange. You will not be approved if your page violates any of the content guidelines.

Please be sure to input your correct url and membername. Incorrect url or membername submissions will be removed from consideration. Also, we are considering your answer on this application about age to be truthful. If at any later time it is found out that your answer to age on this application was false you will be removed from the CL program and will not be allowed to reapply. We also ask that any new homesteader in the Nashville neighborhood refrain from signing up to become a Community Leader for at least a month after they move in. This will give you time to get your homepage up and running.

Your name or nickname, that is the name you want to be called by homesteaders and other leaders:

Your Yahoo! GeoCities Member Name (This MUST be the name you chose for your member name at Yahoo! GeoCities. It is the name you use for utilities, file transfer, email etc.:

Your Prefered E-Mail Address: 


Your GeoCities "Street" Address (e.g., 1700):

ICQ Number (if you use ICQ)

Title of your site: 

Please enter a short bio of yourself. This will be used on the Nashville Leader Page if you are chosen as a leader. It must be no more than 200 characters including spaces.

I have verified that all pages of my site have correct links to either GeoCities or Nashville. 

I have reviewed the Yahoo! GeoCities Page Content Guidelines and my site complies with them in all aspects.

 Are you willing and able to attend an intensive online training course upon acceptance? NoYes

We do not discriminate on age or gender, but we do want to know. 

Age (If you are 18 or older, you may enter "adult" in the field): 


On an average, about how much time each week do you think you will be able to devote to your duties as a Community Leader? 

Why do you want to be a CL? 

What does "leadership" mean to you?

List your technical strengths:

List your interpersonal strengths:

What does the Nashville Community mean to you?



Remember, being a Community Leader is an important responsibility. Children under 13 are not permitted to apply. The personal information you will be providing is being sent to and collected by a volunteer, a Community Leader, and NOT an employee of Yahoo! GeoCities. This information is being collected solely for the purpose of evaluating your application to become a Community Leader, and deterrmining whether you should be accepted as a Nashville Community Leader. As part of the evaluation process, your information is likely to be reviewed by other Nashville Community Leaders, and may be kept on file by the Nashville Community Leaders for an indeterminate period of time. Please contact if you have any questions about your information is used.

Thanks! Samantha (driftin) Nashville Community Leader Liaison

 Last modified on January 18, 2000

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