Allen & Becki's Place

Hey y'all. We are a military couple. I have been in the Navy for 8 years and some odd change. We have been married for almost 6 years and have two beautiful daughters named Alison and Taylor. Alison is six years old and Taylor is only three. Alison is already wise beyond her years, just ask her and she'll tell ya! *S* It's a joy to have these two little munchins!

I(Allen) originally come from Illinois where I had the good fortune to join the Navy at the age of nineteen. From there I ended up in Norfolk, Va. That was where I met Becki, fell in love in what everybody called a whirlwind romance and got married!

Becki came from a small town in Virginia called Bedford where one fateful night her brother(thanks John!!) brought home a friend(me). I think ya know where that got us!*S* From there on out she showed me what the south had to offer and why I never quite fit in back in Illinois. It's funny but you'd never think that a northerner born and raised could be so much like a southerner and never know why he stuck out like a sore thumb. *S* I will never quite understand what forces were at work that fateful day but thank goodness they were or this poor northerner would still to this day be trying to figure out why he couldn't just get along in Illinois. Thank you sweetheart!!!

Well here is just a little of what I did in Virginia. I found a love and it's called Rodeo. I had a great time trying my hand at bull-riding. I didn't have too much trouble with it cuz for a little while I did real good the only problem I had...(which ended my experience)was that I had an encounter with the gate after a wonderful ride. It was an instant fight. Unfortunately, my knee lost it's first fight and for some weird reason I don't think that there will be a rematch.*chuckle* But I still love watchin'. It's too bad a knee surgery later my knee learned not to pick fights with a metal opponent!!!! I still enjoy from time to time a good ride on horseback. Yes, they have horses in Spain and I still love practicin my singin for when I get out of the Nav.*fingers crossed* We'll see what happens with that.

We just moved from Rota, Spain to Amarillo, Tx. You might be asking yourself exactly where there is water in Amarillo but I got to tell you the only time we have any real water around here is when it rains! That just causes a "little bit of water"*S*. Hence if ya live here you have to get a truck just to get around on those days*chuckle*. It's a great excuse to get one*idignant look*! Any way getting back to the Navy and Amarillo.....Yep, you guessed it, I've crossed the line into the Navy Recruiter MAN! It's not bad and I love it cuz 1. I'm in Texas. 2. I love the Navy. It doesn't get any better than this people. We loved it in Spain and anyone who has the chance come a visit Spain, you won't regret it! Our interests are listening to Country Music, dancin', going out around Spain, playin' on the comp., and enjoyin' life with our girls!

Just the other day I spent my sixth wedding anniversary with the woman of my dreams(don't tell Becki)*Just kidding Honi!!* Ya know through all the years I've wondered how she managed and ya know what she told me...she said solitaire!! After that I had a heart attack and she decided to tell me that love will conquer even the likes of me*S* (Love ya to DEATH Honi!).

Since we are currently residing in the south we'll be buying a homestead soon and we can't wait. I love the Navy and I love recruiting cuz where else can you get a job that just wants you to tell people stories about what you have been doing since you started work. It's a dream come true and they have really low interest rates here!*S* Well y'all, I really enjoyed this little talk and I'm glad ya stopped on by cuz it does mean alot to me. So sign the book or I'll never get to know ya and that wouldn't be good for me. Thanks again.

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This is how we get the latest and greatest in country over here! Eddie Bear's the greatest so please check it out!

Here's my site awards that I've gotten.*S*

Well if you are interested here's the channel I've accumalated.

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This page was updated on 13 August 1999!!!!!

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