Welcome to my Guestbook!

Laryalee - 12/10/00 02:39:14
My URL:/laryalee/index.html
My Email:leefraseris@home.com
Where are you from?: Alberta, Canada
Your favorite music?: Country!


Laryalee - 12/10/00 02:39:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/laryalee/index.html
My Email:leefraseris@home.com
Where are you from?: Alberta, Canada
Your favorite music?: Country!


Irene - 11/13/00 10:55:47
My Email:itcalico@bright.net
Where are you from?: Ohio, USA
How did you find my site?: Friend

Enjoyed your Christmas music! Keep up the good work!

Irene - 11/13/00 10:55:37
My Email:itcalico@bright.net
Where are you from?: Ohio, USA
How did you find my site?: Friend

Enjoyed your Christmas music! Keep up the good work!

Ladyblue - 10/02/00 23:22:21
My Email:Ladyblue26215@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Louisiana
Your favorite music?: Country Western
How did you find my site?: A Friend

Love your music. Would love to hear Keith Whitley's song "Don't Close Your Eyes" as well as some others of his. Also, Honkytonk Angel by Conway Twitty. Good job.

B<< SINGLETON - 09/24/00 19:14:36
Where are you from?: BORN IN KY.LIVE IN FL.
Your favorite music?: ROCK&ROLL&COUNTRY
How did you find my site?: AFRIEND


jesse watkins - 09/11/00 02:26:56
My Email:jes_dot@bellsouth.net
Where are you from?: South Carolina
Your favorite music?: country & gospel
How did you find my site?: internet

keep up the good work mickey. there is nothing and i mean nothing better than music. if the good lord made anything better, he kept it for himself. good luck. jesse

Andrew - 08/19/00 09:43:13
My Email:andrewcu@ihug.co.nz
Where are you from?: New Zealand
Your favorite music?: Country
How did you find my site?: Thru Boogie Jack

Awesome site I like the quotes

Marie Getts - 08/07/00 06:22:38
My Email:mfgetts@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Westland MI
Your favorite music?: Zorba the Greek-Puttin' on the Ritz
How did you find my site?: email

Don't have a computer yet to download, but I enjoy your music.

Bill Bayes - 08/04/00 13:35:45
My Email:wbay2@juno.com
Where are you from?: Amst., NY; now, Simi Valley, CA
Your favorite music?: Nostalgic/Romantic songs
How did you find my site?: This one, from your e-mail.

Good to learn more about you and your music. I'm sure it will be a long association. Thanks for what you have done and are doing — a great service.

Bill - 07/19/00 16:48:06
My Email:zulu_x_1@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Boston
Your favorite music?: Oldies Wave Music
How did you find my site?: A friend

Hello my friend, A job very well done. Great music and song.From 1 to 10, I give your work an 11 and the Music Oscar for the year 2000. Keep up the good work. I am known as a WebTv dummie, so how can I find the codes to the muscic I like for my sig box ? Your guest book's dont work, except for your alternate guest book. Would you kindly keep me up to date on your changes in your music collection ? Thank you.

Patches - 07/16/00 17:01:59
My URL:http://members.fortunecity.com/patches10/georgia.html
My Email:bluejar@msn.com
Where are you from?: Ga
Your favorite music?: country
How did you find my site?: from a friend

I love you music, thanks for making it so easily available, please go to my site and see how I use one of them to brighten it up with. Thank you again.

Carol Blansett - 07/15/00 23:09:27
My Email:cabcb@prodigy.net
Where are you from?: St. Louis
Your favorite music?: Christian/easy listening
How did you find my site?: a friend's fwded email

God bless u as u use the talent He has given you. We are His arms, feet and voices.

Simon - 07/15/00 15:07:45
My URL:http://www.fatesite.com
My Email:mymail@atozasia.com
Where are you from?: Singapore
How did you find my site?: Thru another guestbook

You are really Great!! I admire your times and efforts in making this site for people to enjoy. Well done, my friend!

Marie - 07/08/00 00:08:20
My Email:rie@excel.net
Where are you from?: Sheboygan WI
Your favorite music?: all kinds
How did you find my site?: funone.com uses it

Great site, spent all day listening to the music!! Thank You.

Ruth - 06/15/00 00:05:43
My Email:maple503@aol.com
Where are you from?: Cincinnati OH
Your favorite music?: Easy Listening
How did you find my site?: Add entry Page


mick - 06/07/00 15:23:46
My Email:mickvk@aol.com
Where are you from?: hobe sound, fl
Your favorite music?: 1950 -1960
How did you find my site?: friend

enjoyed your music at friend's house

Harold Rogers - 05/01/00 19:27:29
My URL:http://www.hi-tek.net/harold
My Email:bhrtexas@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Cleburne,Texas
Your favorite music?: country,trad. country
How did you find my site?: another site

Enjoyed your site. Sounds like you really enjoy what you do.Please visit our site, and add your link. thanks Harold

Jaz - 04/28/00 23:31:06
Where are you from?: Pa
Your favorite music?: Elvis & country
How did you find my site?: ICQ friend


Mae - 03/28/00 03:28:10
My URL:http://members.home.net/maye/Index.htm
My Email:maye@home.com
Where are you from?: Kelowna
Your favorite music?: country
How did you find my site?: because I've been here before

hi Mickey-- Long time no talk to-- been listening to your new pieces-- great work--I've changed my home address to http://members.home.net/maye/index.htm as the other link when I was in Ontario is obsolete. thanks and Good Luck

willy claeys - 02/09/00 10:42:30
My Email:willy.claeys@village.uunet.be
Where are you from?: belgium
Your favorite music?: music with a soul
How did you find my site?: by chance

very good

Jen Womack (Swift Cunning) - 11/30/99 20:12:42
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/jenwomack/
My Email:manga-jen@ultima-thule.com
Where are you from?: UK
Your favorite music?: I like alsorts
How did you find my site?: While surfing

Hi. Long time, hear from... Thought I'd pop along and say hi. Can see the site is still getting along great! Love the music! Keep it up Music Man! Jen Womack ^.^

Pat Woodtli - 11/30/99 04:05:14
My Email:pave@acenet.com.au
Where are you from?: Australia
Your favorite music?: Jazz
How did you find my site?: Surfing

Great siTe. I have reccommended it to several friends

Jim McKee - 08/10/99 02:19:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/Rodeo/4841/
My Email:cwsongwriter@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Michigan
Your favorite music?: Country
How did you find my site?: Geocities search

Keep up the good work !!!!

sara schwartz - 07/12/99 21:27:39
My Email:sadie_17_2000@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: crossville
Your favorite music?: country
How did you find my site?: you

its a nice site!!!

DEBBIE MAINES - 06/23/99 17:59:45
My Email:abcbrokr@eazenet.com
Where are you from?: Texas
Your favorite music?: country
How did you find my site?: friend

excellent, i will forward your site on to some of my friends,,

Nancy - 06/12/99 01:47:26
My Email:nannipie@airmail.net
Where are you from?: Plano, Texas
How did you find my site?: Just surfing

The title to the Dr. Kildare TV show was "Three Stars Will Shine Tonight". Richard Chamberlain even sang it on an album.

janet - 06/11/99 11:12:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/2482/
Where are you from?: Maine,USA [GA]
Your favorite music?: various- rock/pop Christian
How did you find my site?: guestbook at Kajun Moma's

Hi, Nice site. Please visit and add your link on my guests page. Thanks, Janet

SallyAnne Ellis - 05/30/99 22:38:55
My Email:sellis@carolina.rr.com
Where are you from?: Charlotte, NC

Your theme song from the old tv show, "Dr. Kildare" is called "Three Stars Will shine Tonite". I had the record as a child, and I do remember some of the words, but not all.

APLEJAX - 05/25/99 08:05:17
Where are you from?: LAKEWOOD,COLO
Your favorite music?: C&W,POP
How did you find my site?: FRIEND SENT


Carol - 05/04/99 22:39:24
My Email:wbromley@csonline.net
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania
Your favorite music?: country
How did you find my site?: friend

I like your web page and wish there were more.

Jocelyn - 04/24/99 23:56:47
My Email:MrsSpacely@aol.com
Where are you from?: Bucks County, PA
Your favorite music?: everything
How did you find my site?: altavista search for this song

Thanks for providing a needed service!

PJ - 04/23/99 16:24:21
My Email:mtnlewis@msn.com
Where are you from?: Birmingham, AL
How did you find my site?: Looking for lyrics to Lonesome Road

I do not know what my favorite music is "called"! I like such things as "Birmingham Jail", "Lonesome Road", and the sound track from "The Color Purple"!

tazzie7 - 04/04/99 04:06:10
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/tazzie7
My Email:tazzie7@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: New MExico
Your favorite music?: 80's metal
How did you find my site?: you signed my book

Hi, I like your music. I've been listening to them here and there. Yes, i do need help changing the size of my pics, I just have no clue how to do it. Thanks for visiting my site.

Dot - 03/27/99 14:05:44
My Email:dottiem@hci.net
Where are you from?: N.C.
Your favorite music?: Country
How did you find my site?: a friend


john - 03/15/99 17:04:00
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/rainman2
My Email:rainman2@goplay.com
Where are you from?: south
Your favorite music?: country
How did you find my site?: you signed my guestbook

Great site. Your music is wonderful. enjoyed my visit, will be back to listen to more of the music and see the updates

mari - 02/20/99 02:11:03
My URL:http://www.move.to/_Mari_
My Email:gottigottgott@hehe.com
Where are you from?: sweden
Your favorite music?: all kind
How did you find my site?: from you..

I like you page..but I donīt think you remember me...You were on my homepage for a long time ago....If you want to you can visit it again... *hugs*

Jeanette Curd - 02/15/99 14:45:19
My Email:lakerat6@aol.com
Where are you from?: KY
Your favorite music?: Old Times
How did you find my site?: Your e-mail

I think this is great. I am learning to use my comp so I will visit your other sites and enjoy. thanks, Jeanette

Shirley T. Stahl - 12/30/98 00:42:26
My Email:Stabauer@aol.com
Where are you from?: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Your favorite music?: Jazz (Contemporary)
How did you find my site?: Surfing the Web for Songwriters

Hi Mickey - I reviewed your website and am really impressed with your accomplishments. In answer to the e-mail you sent me earlier, I am a singer trying to find a songwriter/composer to write some songs for me. I made a demo in November (2 original Chri tmas songs) and have had some success with radio stations in Atlanta, Texas, Illinois, Michigan and here at home play them. My dream is to get hooked up with a large recording studio and realize a lifelong dream. Do you know of studios looking for talented singers? Songwriters looking for a person who can really sing, without the added props from a studio? That's me. I know if the right person hears me, I will be very successful. Can you help?

Jerry K - 12/11/98 20:20:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/Opry/1862
My Email:jerryk@olemiss.edu
Where are you from?: Mississippi
Your favorite music?: Southern and Country Rock
How did you find my site?: You sent an email

I enjoyed the music. You should try to put steaming audio on so we can hear the whole song together. Stop by my site and check out my stuff. I write too.

Carol - 10/27/98 23:43:11
My Email:calgal38@mindspring.com
Where are you from?: Northen Calif Oakland Bay Area
Your favorite music?: 50's & Big Bands
How did you find my site?: searching for Midi's

I love your web sight, the songs and especially when the words are included. I like all types of music. I was a teenager in the 50's and that music stuck with me. I am glad I found your websight. Thanks.

Deb - 10/27/98 23:04:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~txs_true_blue
Where are you from?: Texas
Your favorite music?: All kinds, but esp. country
How did you find my site?: surfed in

I think your music is great! Good luck on getting it published and all. Thats the hardest part! I write music, and poetry too! VISIT MY HOMEPAGE!

diane - 10/24/98 21:41:43
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~diane_roberts/index.html
My Email:droberts@triton.net
Where are you from?: Michigan
Your favorite music?: country
How did you find my site?: Linda place

i love your music. My favorite "IF YOU'RE LOOKIN' DOWN FROM HEAVEN"

Cathy - 10/20/98 11:46:24
My Email:Cathy3Dug@aol.com
Where are you from?: arkansas

you have some cool songs i would love to hear some more

Jonathan Edwards - 10/19/98 19:15:00
My URL:http://www.lanceburton.com/slance.jpg
My Email:soedwards@iquest.net
Where are you from?: Indiana
Your favorite music?: none
How did you find my site?: you signed my guestbook.

I love your site. your a very good songwriter. Good luck with your music career!!! P.S. If you ever wanna chat you can find me at www.4-lane.com (go to the driveway) weekdays. Thanks!!!

Clara - 09/22/98 18:17:51
My Email:clfl@webtv.net
Where are you from?: Fla
Your favorite music?: B'way and standard tunes, and easy listening
How did you find my site?: By accident

I love your new update

Matthew - 09/13/98 01:01:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/6437/
My Email:beckm@engin.umich.edu
Where are you from?: Ann Arbor, MI
Your favorite music?: Chanticleer
How did you find my site?: someone's guestbook

Hi! Great page... I really enjoyed my visit! You have some wonderful stuff here... Anyway, if you get the chance, drop in and visit my HP... challenge yourself with my Question of the Day, maybe even apply for my Award! :) ttfn!

Cindy - 09/09/98 07:21:47
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

SexyLover - 08/26/98 07:36:52
My Email:SexyLover@goplay.com
Where are you from?: UTAH
Your favorite music?: Anything but opera

Hey i like your page its cool.

Hazel Kalenze - 08/24/98 14:54:10
My Email:hazel54@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Dickinson, ND
Your favorite music?: country
How did you find my site?: you sent me an e-mail

I love your site! Takes me back to when I was a kid! You can bet I'll be back time after time. Thanks!

Charla Neal - 08/24/98 01:53:49
My Email:charla_neal@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Fort Lauderdale, FL
Your favorite music?: Blues,Country
How did you find my site?: Blues Lyrics page

Just noticed your from Crossville, TN. So was I. I sing in a local blues band in Ft. Lauderdale. I've been in FL 2 years now. All my family is still in Crossville. Just wanted to Say HI!

Theresa Hopkirk - 08/18/98 11:47:27
My URL:http://mzone.mweb.co.za/residents/hopkirk/homepage.html
My Email:theresa@ilovejesus.com
Where are you from?: KZN South Africa
Your favorite music?: If Your'e Looking Down from Heaven
How did you find my site?: You signed my Guestbook

As per usual, your sites are great! Anyone with music within them is very blessed! Not all have that talent! Thanks for the words you sent me of ALL FOR LOVE. Check my URL and you will note why I needed them! Much appreciated! I visit your site every day! Listen to a new song too! *HUGS*

Claudia (debbi) - 08/13/98 14:43:10
My URL:http://working on it
My Email:debbikiss@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Florida
Your favorite music?: Country
How did you find my site?: Friend

Hi Mickey, I have to tell you.This is the best site i think i have ever seen.I loved the songs you wrote.Wow blew me away.You are a great song writer I will be checking in from time to time.Smiles Take care,Claudia

denise - 08/09/98 19:44:33
My Email:densam@ctaz.com
Where are you from?: arizona
Your favorite music?: 50s,60s, 70s
How did you find my site?: hit through links

Great page, Mickey!

SkinnyCracker - 07/31/98 20:18:00
My URL:http://welcome.to/noogie
My Email:skinnycracker@aristotle.net
Where are you from?: Earth
Your favorite music?: ska
How did you find my site?: another guestbook
Say what?: I like Pizza!


Marlys - 07/26/98 07:50:54
My URL:http://users.vmicro.com/dumpling/
My Email:dumpling@vmicro.com
Where are you from?: Temecula, CA
Your favorite music?: 50s mucsic!
How did you find my site?: You invited me!

Mickey, you are very talented!! Enjoyed my visit! Thanks for signing my guestbook and I appreciate your kind words.

Darlene - 07/21/98 07:48:05
My URL:/Heartland/Bluffs/2769
My Email:dperetto@hotmail.com

hey mickey i just keep coming back to look:):) hey you have to teach me how to leave my banner on your site ok turn around is fair play haha

Darlene - 07/21/98 07:45:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/2769
My Email:dperetto@hotmail.com

hey mickey i just keep coming back to look:):) know you won't mind me leaving my banner here

ELOINE - 07/20/98 17:16:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Rue/1147
My Email:DivrcdFemL@aol.com
Where are you from?: Florida Panhandle
Your favorite music?: Rock & Roll and New Country
How did you find my site?: From my Guestbook

For some reason my entry did not make it into your guestbook when I signed it .... so ..........Hi there ... again ... LOL
Just wanted to come check out your other site here that you told me about! ..... It is wonderful ... and you obviously have a lot of talent and some talented friends!
I LOVE your Midis and all the things you write ... I think it is interesting to learn about the people behind the sites!
Keep up the GREAT work! Love ELOINE

CindyBabe - 07/19/98 17:47:25
My Email:cindykwells@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: GA, USA
Your favorite music?: ummm...dont know
How did you find my site?: just surfed on it... =)

Pretty cool site. Great job!

joe - 07/18/98 18:26:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/marina/9602
My Email:jmcooper@bsu.edu
Where are you from?: Muncie, IN
Your favorite music?: anything that sounds good
How did you find my site?: You signed my gb

Mickey, you have a great site. thanks for visiting my page. i was impressed with your music. are there any stations in my area, Muncie, IN that play it? just wondering. kepp up the good work.

Heartbeat # Two - 07/18/98 07:32:57
My URL:http://www.web-access.net/~elliott
My Email:beverly@web-access.net
Where are you from?: Brownwood, Texas
Your favorite music?: 50's & 60's
How did you find my site?: Word of Mouth

I've enjoyed my visit very much. Your site is very unique and informational. It has certainly made me smile. I truly appreciate you taking the time to put together such a worthwhile site. Absolutely, you have spend much time creating it. Keep up the excel ent work you are doing! Sites like your's makes it a pleasure to explore the web. When you have some free time I invite you to stop over to visit us again, and to offer any comments or suggestions you might have. Warmest Regards, Heartbeat # Two (Beverl ).

Candee - 07/17/98 19:30:24
My URL:http://people.goplay.com/Cheez-It/
My Email:Cheez-It2Goplay.com *or* c.jensen@gurlmail.com
Where are you from?: California
Your favorite music?: Celine Dion
How did you find my site?: You signed my guestbook!

You have a very good page. You must love music. I'd love to hear one of your songs sometime! Keep composing music, maybe I'll get to dance to one of your pieces!!

George Cadero - 07/17/98 18:49:05
My URL:http://www.emeraldnet.net/~gecadero
My Email:gecadero@usa.net
Where are you from?: Seattle, Wa. USA
Your favorite music?: R & R, New Country.
How did you find my site?: From another Guestbook.

Very Cool site. You're in my Favorites. Thanks for dropping by my site and asking to exchange links, that's a real compliment.

For a midi experienceBeach Boys, Beatles, CCR, Eagles, Stones, Oldies, and Cool Internet links.

George's Home Page

xslf - 07/17/98 09:57:48
My URL:http://www.surf.to/xslf
My Email:xslf@hotmail.com
Your favorite music?: anything good


Hi there!
I was surfing around the 'net and found your site. Nice job.
Drop by me if you feel like it :)

Visit XSLF for free postcards, file of the day, add your link and more!

Lav777 - 07/17/98 00:06:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/7506/
My Email:kathyjewkes@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Utah
Your favorite music?: I love all music
How did you find my site?: surfed in

I loved your website. I too, am a music nut, although I have no musical talent, I have been given the gift of music appreciation. I loved your music. It touched my heart and soul. I admire you talent very much. Keep up the great work.

GINGIN - 07/16/98 22:09:08
My URL:http://mypage.goplay.com/ME_GINGIN
My Email:ME_GINGIN@goplay.com
Where are you from?: WV
Your favorite music?: country,alternative
How did you find my site?: you visited mine

Thanks for the compliments about my website. i love you songs and your music. i live in parkersburg WV and have never heard any of those.If you have icq look me up sometime. my numbers is 4942468.

Jennifer McBride - 07/16/98 20:50:55
My Email:jennifermeganmcbride
Where are you from?: Kansas
Your favorite music?: alternitive
How did you find my site?: you found me cause I am a McBride


Luann - 07/16/98 12:37:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/7153/
My Email:gauthier@pbmo.net
Where are you from?: Missouri
Your favorite music?: country

Very nice page.. very interesting,and informative I enjoyed it.. The links are great.I will be back.Please if you get a chance visit my page and sign the guestbook. Thanks so much

Jodi - 07/16/98 11:24:10
My URL:/motorcity/speedway/4111
My Email:wrongway@pacbell.net
Where are you from?: California
Your favorite music?: Country/oldies/BigBand/Rock&Roll
How did you find my site?: you found me/Returning the favor

Great site. I am glad that I had a chance to come back and visit again, I really enjoy the music. *SMILE* I tried the other guest book but it is still not working, glad this one did my punting skills are terrible. *G* I wanted to thank you for the entert inment while I have been in Jail *G* Thank you for visiting my homepage and for signing my guest book at
Fuzzbug's Garage
And while you are surfing about, you can visit my other site at
Jodi's Slots'O'Fun
I'll be looking forward to your visit. Please, don't forget o burn some rubber in my Guestbook.
Thank You

Smokey - 07/16/98 11:03:14
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/412/index.html
My Email:jsmokey@iamit.com
Where are you from?: Louisiana
Your favorite music?: country
How did you find my site?: W O W

You have a great page. I enjoyed my visit and will be back. If there is any way I can help in any area, let me know. Thank you for sharing a part of yourself with me and with others. What a gift! Please visit me and sign my guest book.
I would rea ly like to trade links with you. Just e-mail me and let me know. Send me your code and I'll send mine back. Have a GREAT day! Visit my home page at:

Some of my Pages &
Some Of My Favorites:

When you get there, please tell them Smokey sent you. Thanks.

Free Electronic cards

Stop By And Visit My Son's Page

Melanie's Web Page
Experience New Orleans

KattinKiss - 07/16/98 05:23:04
My Email:Kattin@aol.com
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania
Your favorite music?: country
How did you find my site?: Dont really know. just did

I Love the song Find a New Man. Please send me a copy of the orginal. I want to play it on CD if at all possible. Or tell me where I can buy it. thanks

Missy - 07/16/98 03:14:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/2110/
My Email:itsmissies@geocities.com
Where are you from?: So Cal
Your favorite music?: Your's
How did you find my site?: Aint Tellin

OK I Hope I'm First

Come And Meet CWO Andrew Elliot,Never Forgotten.
A Must See Site For All

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