Subject:  Roberta and Mr. Arnold said to write
Date: June 12, 2000
From: jzirkle@netstarcomm.net (Zirkle)

To: Bill830@aol.com

Hello, Roberta said to call, but she could only find your fax number.  I
thought it might be faster to email you.  My name is Jim Zirkle.  My
company is called Famous Faces.  We do lifecastings of celebrities.  We
cast Mr. Arnold on April 7 and have, this past weekend, put the piece on
display in the Country Music Hall of Fame gift shop for sale.  I have
attached a jpeg of the piece.  Our web site is: www.famousfacesinc.com

Our mission as a business is to preserve history and provide
appreciating collectable memorabilia for the fans of the famous.  I
would like to add a link to your web page to ours.  One of the
objectives of our page is to aid the public by providing a central
location for people seeking information.  A jump off point if you will.
I would also like to inquire about placing a link from your page to
ours.  It might be of some value to your page's visitors.

I have really been fortunate to have had the opportunity to get to know
Mr. Arnold over the past months.  He will always remain the dear friend
he has become.  He is a good man.  Hard to find these days.  He has been
very good to me and very helpful.  He has introduced me to Brenda Lee,
Jimmie Dickens, and through a friend of his Johnny Russell.  You should
be able to see Johnny Russell's casting in the coming week on our web
site.  Jimmie Dickens may take a little longer, I have to figure out a
way to do his hat. (He wants to do the casting, but only in his hat.)
Ms. Lee is still considering it, though she seems to want to.

Two of the others we have cast are: Billy "White Shoes" Johnson and
Orestes Destrade.  Billy you may remember was the fastest man in the NFL
at the time and Orestes played 1st Base for the Marlins.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.  Hope all are well.

Jim Zirkle
Famous Faces, Inc.


Many thanks for your very nice e-mail.  I am happy to place this information on this site in order that Eddy Arnold fans who visit this site will have an opportunity to visit your site and learn about the art of "lifecastings of celebrities."  I hope you are very successful in your endeavors.  You picked a fantastic individual when you selected Eddy Arnold.  He is a true gentleman and the greatest singer and performer in the world.

Bill Comer

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