How many times in your life have you sat back and said, "Boy I wonder what JoshBowski would do if here were in my shoes?" More than negative 1 times i'm sure! So I'm going to give you a few scenerios, and then maybe it will help you in your life a little too! =o)


If I were on a boat with a bunch of gay pirates I would. . . find a place to hide. Probably not the "Poop Deck," If you smell what the JoshBowski is cookin'.

If I was being stalked by a beautiful supermodel I would. . . CALL THE POLICE! And tell them to drive around periodically and make sure no one bothers her.

If I were a doctor I would. . . make a lot of money.

If I were in charge of the Emmys I would. . . stop giving the Animated Series of the Year award to "King of the Hill," and give it to the Simpsons - it is so obvious - geez.

If I could make the perfect girl, while picking the first thing about her I would. . . give her plenty of intelligence. Outmeal loves a girl who can hold a conversation.

If I were in charge of Japan I would. . . make every Japanese person apoligize to America for Dec. 7, 1941.

If I could freeze time for one hour I would. . . friggin Geocities. . .

If I could give one piece of advice to everyone and know they'd listen I would. . . Tell everyone to be themselves - people like you MORE that way; not even joking.

If I were making a new brand of cheese I would. . . call it Mabbrionio (just made that up hehe)

If I wanted to burn some major time I would. . . make this list (doh!)

If I were to change my name I would. . . change it to Justin Credible


Feel free to tell me what you'd do in these or any other situations and I'll post them :)

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