"The Flintstone" Midi by Don Carroll

     Timothy Allen Nelson, Jr, better known as TJ, was born December 16,
1992.  What an early Christmas present.  He is the light of our lives.
     His favorite activities include computer games,(it amazes me how young
they learn the computer) and playing with his train and his "big" trucks.
He also loves anything to do with being outside, from building snowmen
with his dad to playing in his swimming pool.  Just being able to go out
to a park and walk or run along a path is a big deal.  And he is quite a
little T-ball player.
     TJ loves to wear his cowboy boots. He wears them all the time because
"That's what his dad bought 'em for!"  Getting him to wear a hat is quite
a chore because he just hates it when anyone tells him he's cute.  He used
to always wear a ball cap(as you can see in one of our favorite pictures)
or his cowboy hat but right now those are taboo.
     TJ will be entering the first grade this year.  He is very excited because
his new classrom has "2 CHALKBOARDS".  I guess at this age they are easy
to impress.
     TJ's great grandparents live in Illinois and he calls them GGma and GGpa
for short.  He doesn't get to see them very often but talks to them on the
telephone now and then.  The picture of him in the tree was taken in their
backyard on one of his visits.
This is TJ 4 years ago (2yrs old)             TJ at GG Ma's and GG Pa's   
                                                        in Peoria, IL  

        See My                TJ and his Dad         TJ workin' on 'puter
Walter Bros. Harley Shirt                           doin' the white stuff 
 From Peoria, Illinois                                  (paint brush)  
TJ riding Ritzie with his Dad leading

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